Working overseas is not forever. Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) especially those who are working as household service workers (HSW) who are most vulnerable to abuses and maltreatment. Planning ahead to stay home for good is very important especially when you are tired of doing such work for a very long time.
Finding out the best livelihood alternative where you can get the finances to sustain the needs of your family depends on your passion. If you love to cook and you do it very well, it is best to put up a business venture related to the food business. If you are fond of creating different accessories, you can start doing your own designs and sell it to your friends or post it online for a wider market.
The key is to be determined and not to be discouraged if you want to start a business especially if you already saved some amount for it. There are also other sources if you want to loan fund for your business. OWWA is offering training and financial assistance for returning OFWs. You can also learn baking and commercial cooking through TESDA for free.
To further give you an idea of what could be the business or livelihood that you want to start should you decide to stay home for good, we provided you with some possible business to start with.
Learn to prepare and cook different kinds of delicacies
Learn to prepare and cook different kinds of delicacies
People love to eat and the best part about selling food items is that you could already see your profit at the end of the day. You can start in a small capital and roll the profit over as your business grows.
Learn to prepare and cook processed meats and other dishes
Processed meats and ready to cook foods are very in demand in our busy community. Most of our neighbors are workers and students who don't have enough time to cook for themselves but they definitely need to eat. In those instances, they will find fast to prepare foods or ready to eat meals.
Put up a variety store
Putting up a variety or sari-sari store is a good idea to meet the financial needs of your family. It doesn't need to be big at the initial opening. You could start selling a little bit of each item that is needed in everyday life of the consumers. You could start in small quantities and add up as your store grow.
Start an e-loading business
Everyone in the country has a mobile phone and an e-loading shop could be a hit even at your own home.
Everyone in the country has a mobile phone and an e-loading shop could be a hit even at your own home.
Open An Online Store
Are you creative? If you are fond of making your own handcrafted jewelry, or accessories made from different materials and you can seel it online. If you are good at selling, you can as well outsource the items and sell it online for a profit.
Manage A Food Cart Business
If you have saved enough, there are cheap food cart franchising that may suit your passion. If you don't have enough capital, you can use a loan from the government through OWWA or from private lenders that offer a very low interest rate. It is also a plus factor if you try placing your food cart near schools, in a mall, beside a grocery store, transport terminals and other parking lots with high foot traffic.
The possibilities are endless. For more ideas, you can also watch this video.