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Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Prayer for OFWs

A Prayer for OFWs

Dear God,

You crossed every border between divinity and
humanity to make your home with us. Bless our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters
who have travelled to foreign lands with faith in their heart leaving their
families behind as they break through the barriers of people, cultures, and languages
to escape oppression and poverty.

There are
many things going on that are beyond us even with our collective power. We come
to thee in supplication and heartfelt pleadings as we are mindful of the ordeals
of others.

We thank thee for hearing the prayers of your
people as China grant reprieve to our three OFWs and may the Chinese government
grant a lesser penalty to their case.

We pray for the thousands of OFWs who were incarcerated
and imprisoned in the Middle East, Asia and other continents, may thou please grant
them the chance to get back to their families and find a new life, justice and
freedom as they entrust their lives into thy hands. May Thou enlighten our leaders
to put the plights of distressed OFWs as a priority and withdraw from plans to
cut the DFA social service and legal assistance funds.

pray to Thee that our OFWs in Taiwan will soon be reprieved of taking all the
heat of the current Taiwan-Philippines rift. May the government emissary would
soon find resolution to this issue so that those more than five thousand
scheduled for deployment will now be allowed to take on their jobs, 
the nearly a hundred thousand currently employed may keep their jobs and be
able to sustain their families.

We pray that may Thou please keep our overseas
Filipinos safe in the escalating conflict in countries where democratic
renaissance in Muslim nations is unfolding from Morocco, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain
and Libya as they await the immediate repatriation efforts being taken by our
government agencies.

We pray for Thy protection
and guidance of the more than thirty thousand OFW’s in Libya. May their
families in the Philippines be freed from fear and worries of their condition
and that the OFWs safety is assured despite the worsening condition.

pray that may Thou save from harm our Filipino workers in war torn countries of
Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as OFWs in Nigeria, Somalia, Lebanon and Jordan,
who have taken great risks to continue their fight against poverty to support
their families in the Philippines despite of the work deployment ban imposed in
these countries.

We pray for the safety of the Filipino nurses trapped in the
rubbles during the earthquake in New Zealand, and the rest of the OFWs and
Expats around the world who are suffering from natural calamities, diseases and
injustices that they may find comfort through faith in Thee.

Hear our prayer Lord, to end the corruption that has
become the plague of our nation, to end poverty that afflicts and besets Thy
people, to end violence and war that displaces millions of our Filipinos from
their homes, which separate, divide and break families.

As we await for the signs of time when the Filipinos around
the world, the fathers and mothers brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters
may be reunited as one happy family.

We pray for Thine tender love and kind mercy, with our
faith, with our hope, with our love to thee, we pray for power greater than us
all, we pray for divine intervention.

This is a joint call from the Pinoy Expats/OFW Blog Awards, or
PEBA, Inc, along with its 300+ KABLOGS, the RMN News Bantay OFW radio program
and the Blas Ople Policy Center and we are asking for your prayers or support
by reposting this to your blog, posting this link in your FB, Friendster and
Twitter accounts or sending this as email to your networks.

The original photo where the image was taken in this post was an official entry by
Erwin Serrano from Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 10th rank winner to the 2010
PEBA International Photo Contest.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stormed and Flooded, Still Here!

What year is it now? It's been like century if not forever that I haven't updated my blog, I have so many thoughts, but it seems to me that those thoughts can't find their way to blog post. Aside from the repost dito, repost doon, and copying my statuses from my Facebook, I haven't really have a real blog entry.

So awake, and arise and shine! Naks, parang scriptural terms or nakikipagdigmaan. Hehe
After PEBA 2010, there is just too much work to do, and so much things to attend to especially now that my lady is carrying our 2nd child and she is having a hard time with some pregnancy related extra curricular activities! Forgive my terms, I am so out of thoughts with regards to that. Haha

I will be back soon, with my powerful windows mobile phone, I can do blogging even I am at work. 

Someone said, "I guess you are happy in your life." I am? I asked with a smile. How do we define happiness? Really? Sabi ko nga sa Facebook status ko one time,

As I grow older (oh my, I have to admit it! :) I realized fame, learning, beauty or riches doesn't define success and happiness - it's in planning and prioritizing things.

I have had a lot of experiences lately, and some of them are not so easy to bear. The Thoughtskoto's been to a lot of challenges and trials and yet we are here surviving, trying our best to endure, because nothing is really over until we stop trying.

I remember we have this really old electric fan back home when I was a teenage boy. The fan was broken and was sewed by  copper wire. The cover bend and straightened. It was a typical small electric fan that was beaten, fall several times, and yet the amazing thing is that - it is still usable! it is still working!

Life is like that. Sometimes we are tried, tempted, beaten, wearied, and yet we endure, we persevere, we hold on because we believe that life is not just about surviving, it is enjoying. There will be times we maybe sad, we maybe down, we may be tempted, we fail,  but it doesn't mean we will give up. We are still around, we may be quiet, but we gather strength and we face the world again with a smile, not minding those failings and bitterness we have had in life.

Anyway, plug-in ko lang po, ang latest ko na entry sa the Kablogs Journal Online Magazine. Hope you will keep reading and contributing sa TKJ. If you want to support, 

please email:

"For love is not assuming, it is free of anything. It is giving. It is making other person happy. It is bringing out the best to people. It is inspiring, it doesn’t seek for glory or return, it is without condition, description, or qualification – who and what you are does not matter anymore. What matters is that you are happy, and most importantly the one you love is happy."

Belated happy hearts day sa lahat!


Saturday, February 12, 2011


OFW and Expats homecoming or popularly called "BalikBayan" is a not just a classical journey of an OFW to his hometown but rather it is a homecoming beyond emotions. For every returning "Balikbayan Pinoy" is a fulfillment of his promise that he will return to his family and native land filled with stories of success from his battles overseas. For each homecoming, the nation benefits from each balikabayan family gatherings as they fill the super malls, fine restaurants, resorts and theme parks with each spendings promote tourism, investments and creates job opportunities to our kababayan in the Philippines.

Thus, the PEBA 2011 Organizing Committee has conceptualized this year's theme "Pagbabalikbayan Tungo sa Pagkakaisa at Kaunlaran" which aims to raise the conciousness not only of our Pinoy OFWs and Expats, but the entire Filipino people all over the world that Balikbayan is not just as poignant voyage and reunion of flesh and blood but it is a renewal of lovebrings new hopesdrives tourism & investments and raises the spirit of nationalism.

PEBA also pins its hopes through the power of blogs to institute change in the Government policy that will provide a real and effective program with a clear implementing  guidelines that will benefit our OFW kababayans on the reintegration of our distressed OFWs and the influx of thousands of OFWs from Iraq and Afghanistan that will be coming home full of uncertainties as they will soon be joining the oceans of unemployed souls in our country.

Compose a brief, catchy slogan or tagline to popularize PEBA 2011 theme concept on "Coming Home Towards Solidarity and Progress" ("Pagbabalikbayan Tungo Pagkakaisa at Kaunlaran")

The slogan must convey its message based on its relevance to the PEBA 2011 concept and to revolve on the recommended words/tagline as follows: 


However, it does not require that entries to literally adopt or use these tag words in the slogan making but rather to serve as word references only.

Gumawa ng slogan para sa magiging theme ng PEBA 2011 na may kinalaman sa mga keywords na ito sa ibaba. 


A. Sinong Pwedeng Sumali: Lahat ng BLOGGER na nakalista sa KABLOGS, PEBA Facebook Fans, KABLOGS FANS, PEBA Twitter Followers.Maging ang ibang volunteer ng PEBA ay pwedeng sumali sa patimpalak na ito.

B. Paano ang Pagsali:

Ang mga sumusunod ang mga paraan para sa pagsali

1. Magpost ng Status sa Facebook na nakalink ang PEBA Fanpage site
Format  = Post your status entry ayon sa format na ito.

(PEBA Facebook Fanpage Link) “ (Your Slogan/Theme in English/Tagalog) ” (additional wordings, asking to Like your Theme/Slogan or asking others to join too)

2. Magpost ng COMMENT sa Blog Entry na makikita dito

3. Pwedeng magpost ng inyong entry slogan sa COMMENT sa POST na ITO SA PEBA Notes

4. Pwedeng magpost sa Twitter na nakatag ang @PEBAWARDS, or #PEBA2011

C. Ilan ang pwedeng maging Entry?

Walang limit sa entry as long as pasok ang mga ito sa mga keywords na ibinigay namin sa itaas.

D. Hanggang kelan ang pakontest?

Ang lahat ng slogan ay dapat naisubmit na hatinggabi ng February 21, 2011, Philippine Time

E. Anong mapapanalunan?

Ang mapapanalunan ng pakontest na ito ay

  1. Cash na P2011.00
  2. Smart Plug and Talk Service,
  3. A tote bag with Books from Book Divas.

F. Para sa may comprehensive at masusing explanation para sa pakontest na ito please bisitahin ang blogpost na ito.

Kung may mga katanungan, please email


Saturday, February 05, 2011

Is TRUTH hard to find?

"We grow up believing that certain truths are etched in stone and are therefore eternal and unchanging. A lot of what is supposed to be eternal has to do with beliefs and morals that are supposed to affect and guide the way we think and conduct ourselves." Said Haring Liwanag over his Pansitan blog. HL or most popularly known as one of the APO singer Jim Paredes, is one of the most insightful blogger I meet and befriended with in the web. For many years now, he has been a source of inspiration to a lot of Filipinos, not only through his blogging, but his songs, photography, books, and columns.

In his "FINDING TRUTH IN A CHANGING WORLD" blog post, he expound truth, and belief. "Truth is absolute" , he said. "Beliefs can be positive or negative...and they reach their expiration date."

There was once a boy who was confused and wanted to find the truth. He stumbled over James 1:5. which says " aIf any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that cgiveth to all men liberally, and dupbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

God is the one true source of truth, because He is the way, the truth and yes, even Life.
I don't want to sound preachy for honestly there are so much more truth that I need to know. One of the tenets of my faith and one of my favorite is this, If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things“ and "the glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth."

I leave a comment to HL post thats sounds like this; 

I agree Kuya Jim, that the world is full of confusion and sometimes it's hard to find the truth. But God didn't left us all alone to wander without any help or guide. The Holy Spirit, is still around, like the light of the sun, wherever we are, we can reach Him. We only need to come out from the dark. But sometimes, in our busy lives and in our noisy world, we seldom find time to listen and hear the still, small voice, and thats what makes it hard to find the truth. 

The mind says this and that, while our heart feels this and that. The mind has its reason, but the heart has a mind of its own, and sometimes truth, inspirations, and guidance come and felt through the heart. And most often truth can be felt in the heart. 

Elder Richard G. Scott expound it profoundly here

"The process of identifying truth sometimes necessitates enormous effort coupled with profound faith in {God}...A knowledge of truth is of little value unless we apply it in making correct decisions."