Cleaning the house, cookling meals, doing the chores, nursing my baby...a lot more keeps me busy each day. But last week, we moved things to our new room in the apartment we're renting. I faced my enemy, dust and heat, as I clean the entire apartment. It's been a long day for us. At the end of the day, I was feeling really exhausted with all the cleaning and moving of things, and I had dry cough already. DH was already worried, but I keep on reminding him, I've never been sick for more than a year already and if I get mild cough that's enough to prove I'm still human, lol. The following day, we went to church, the heat of the sun and sand storm made it worse. We arrive home on the afternoon and I felt my throat is getting sore already.
I started eating lots of oranges and citruss fruits.
I started eating lots of oranges and citruss fruits.
I was more worried about my two month old baby if she caught my cough, so I asked DH to give a blessing on both of us. By midnight, I had a very painful throat, dry cough, difficult breathing and fever, thankfully my daughter hasn't caught it and is perfectly healthy.
Because I am sick, my dear husband decided to be absent at work and take care of me and our baby. Well, I'm blessed enough to have a husband like him. He pampered me whole day with the "name what you want to eat", and "let me do it for you" stuffs. By noon, my fever was gone.
What I'm thankful for is for the blessings he gave to me and our daughter, it didn't took so long to be sick domestic goddess because of his blessings and the way he takes care of me.
Life is so wonderful. Trully nothing can compensate for a loving husband and a happy home, it simply makes everything easier to take.