Foreign Affairs Sec. Peter Alan Cayetano emphasizes how should staff from DFA and its section should behave while executing their jobs at the DFA.
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STEP 1: Get an online appointment thru the Philippine Embassy website. CLICK HERE
In order for you to go thru the process, you must provide a valid email address. If you are registered before click login or for a new applicant you can click the REGISTER icon. Fill up the entry in the registration.
STEP 2: A confirmation will be sent to your email. It is important to print it. You will present it once you enter the main entrance to the embassy.
STEP 3: Go to Philippine Embassy at least an hour before your appointment. "The earlier, the better" will not be a guarantee that you will be accommodated soon. So just be at the embassy at least 30 minutes to an hour. A reminder that a photocopier will not be always available at the site. Prepare a copy of the first page of your passport at least 2 copies. You should bring your iqama additional identification might be needed.
Form for passport renewal can be-be downloaded at this LINK
Once you enter the Embassy, get a queue number at the information area. All passport applicants will also be required to register at the Absentee Voters counter. If you are a voter from the recent 2106 Presidential election, you may check and get your voter's ID. This is how it looks like.
Absentee Voter ID
STEP 4: The waiting time varies from an hour to four hours. Wait for your turn as they call your number. Then proceed to the counter you are assigned. Just a few things to remember before they take your passport photo. No earrings should be worn during the shoot. No to a big smile, though you are allowed to show your teeth. Remember this will be your photo on your passport for ten years.

STEP 5: PAYMENT- After the encoding, the receipt will be given and you can proceed to pay 240 SR at the cashier. The same price you pay for five years validity passport before, sweet isn't. Usually, you will wait for 345- 60 days before you get your new passport.