“It is the first death to involve an air wheel accident… There have also been similar accidents that caused injuries to their users,” he told ‘Emarat Al Youm’ daily.
Report via Emirates24/7
A Filipino died after falling off his hoverboard (hands-free Segway) after banging into a pole at a public park in Dubai, according to a top police official.
The incident took place last week, when the man lost his balance while involved in stunt performance and hit a power pole in Mushrif Park, Colonel Saif Al Mazroui, Dubai's traffic police chief, said.
“It is the first death to involve an air wheel accident… There have also been similar accidents that caused injuries to their users,” he told ‘Emarat Al Youm’ daily.
Hoverboard Blowout
"If you got this in your house, get it out!"
Posted by FailArmy on Sunday, January 10, 2016
Just a few days ago, a mother warned the public that the toy hover trax or hover board went up in flames.
Watch the news below.
WPTV NewsChannel 5 reports: Pamela Levine says her 11-year old daughter, Sophie, just missed getting injured by her hoverboard Saturday night. "She felt it get hot, she jumped off, and it was in flames," she says.
Pamela quickly put water on the flames, and says the fire was out before firefighters arrived.
Another report says:
"One of the hottest holiday toys is literally catching fire."