Is it possible to carry an LCD or LED TV in my hand carry or checked-in baggage?
Depending on the country where you will be coming from and depending on your airline requirements, each piece of hand-carry is restricted to only up to 7.0 kg or checked-in baggage is restricted to a maximum dimension (length + width + height) of 158 cm for transatlantic flights, and 300 cm for all other flights.
Depending on the size of your LCD/LED TV, if the item fit the specified maximum size, it should also not exceed the standard free baggage allowance mentioned on your ticket, normal excess baggage charges will be applied and oftentimes very expensive.
Usually, international flights allowed checked-in baggage ranges from 23kg to 32kg.
Usually, international flights allowed checked-in baggage ranges from 23kg to 32kg.
Before travelling, passengers are advised to secure any fragile item like a TV with adequate packaging in order to withstand the effects of normal baggage handling procedures. You will also be asked to sign a waiver that in any case that the TV will be damaged or with defects upon arrival, the airlines will be free of liabilities unless you pay for the insurance, if there is available and it also proves to be more expensive.
The usual, and many other OFWs confirmed this, that they brought with them maximum of 32 inches, though some commented that they were able to bring up to 40 inches but this needs to be confirmed and verified to the airline company.
Rather than buying abroad and bringing it with you, why not buy it in the Philippines, as you can see below, prices of these items are affordable and free from the hassle, risk of breaking and taxes from the Bureau of Customs.
READ MORE: How To Travel Safely And Protect Your Luggages From Thieves And Syndicates At The Airport