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Monday, February 08, 2016

Membership In Red Cross Gives You Accidental Assistance Benefits

Red Cross is a non-government organization that has been there providing assistance in times of emergency. One thing admirable about this organization is their presence specially in times of calamity and war. There are always volunteers ready to give assistance and serve those who are in need.

 The organization is known for extending help not only for recovery and relief operation but also for many other  community programs. The organization also provides  providing training for disaster, rescue and first aid that could save lives.

But are you also aware that you could actually be involved and become volunteer or member in many ways. One of the ways is through the following:

    Volunteering as Red Cross 143- by volunteering as Red Cross 143, you will become part of a network of volunteers (approx. 44 members per Barangay) in your community. As part of this group of volunteers you will provide information or assistance in times of calamity or disaster. 
Red Cross 143 stands for “I love You Red Cross,” it also roughly translates to the passion and commitment of the volunteers. 

    Becoming a Red Cross MemberAside from the opportunity to help others, being a Red Cross member also gives you something sort of insurance coverage. By becoming a Red Cross Member, you get to contribute money for the organization and in return you receive accidental insurance coverage.

There are different types of membership, and on each type there is a corresponding membership fee and it also covers accidental assistance. 

The membership fees ranges from P 50 to as much as P1,000 (Platinum Membership) the breakdown of accidental  coverage are as follows:

As member of Red Cross, you will be given a card which acts as insurance policy for your reimbursement. 
Unlike private health or accident insurance, Red Cross members are actually covered 24/7 worldwide. The plan extends coverage while the person is traveling as a passenger in any public conveyance. It includes acts of nature, motorcycling except for professional use and during racing and competition. The plan also covers any injury as a result of acts of terrorism. In case of death, your beneficiaries can  claim for these benefits. 
The coverage of accidental insurance excludes the following: suicide, self-inflicted injuries, drug addiction, nervous disorders, cosmetic or plastic surgeries, dental diseases, AIDS, pregnancy or childbirth, war, military service, alcoholism, drug addiction and willful participation in any crime.

These are only some of the programs of Red Cross for members and volunteers. They accept blood donation, money, and they also offer training to save lives.  For more information, you may visit their website at or through their office address and contact information below:

Address: EDSA corner Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City

PHONE:790-2300 loc 807790-2300 loc 826 (Membership)

Question and Answer about membership in Red Cross
If I register as a Red Cross member, can I also avail of free blood and free first aid training?As a Red Cross member, you can avail of the accident assistance benefits. However, we will help facilitate your blood requirements. Blood itself is free but it has processing costs which you can reimburse as a member in case of accidents. More so, to avail of first aid training, you have to pay the required registration fees. 
Do I have to carry my membership card at all times?Do I have to show it to ER when I have treatment? No. You may opt not to carry the card at all. You do not have to show it to the ER. However, you should keep the card because it is your insurance policy. You will need the card number when you claim. Our accident benefits are purely for reimbursement purposes. 
What is the scope of coverage?The accident benefits covers the person 24-hours a day, worldwide. The plan extends coverage while the person is traveling as a passenger in any public conveyance. It includes acts of nature, motorcycling except for professional use and during racing and competition. The plan also covers any injury as a result of acts of terrorism. 

What are the exclusions for claims?Some of the exclusions for claims are as follows: suicide, self-inflicted injuries, drug addiction, nervous disorders, cosmetic or plastic surgeries, dental diseases, AIDS, pregnancy or childbirth, war, military service, alcoholism, drug addiction and willful participation in any crime. 

Who may qualify for the benefits?All members of the PRC ages 6-65 years old. The PRC membership is also renewable up to 72 years old. 

When does the coverage begin?The coverage will become effective on the date of registration with the PRC. 

If I have accident coverage from other insurers or insurance companies, can I still get the accident benefits of PRC membership?Yes, since this is an accident insurance, benefits are payable on top of other insurance that you might have. However, in case of medical reimbursement, Philam thru PRC shall only pay the expenses that are not paid by other insurance companies. You may also opt to choose where to reimburse, from the PRC or from your other insurers. 

Who are the qualified beneficiaries of these accident assistance benefits?The qualified beneficiary will follow the legal hierarchy. 

In case I die of natural death or sickness, would the benefit be provided to my beneficiaries?No, benefits will not be provided in case of natural death or death due to disease or illness. 

If an accident happened to me overseas, can I or my beneficiaries claim?Yes, you or your beneficiaries can claim. Coverage is in effect anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.