For minimum wage earners, there are times that it is hard to apply for a loan even in government financial institution, how much more in private. If you are receiving around P10,000 a month salary, it is really hard to apply for a loan, since your payslip is number one requirements to know your capacity to pay.
But don't you know that Asia United Bank (AUB) offer a salary loan to employees with minimum monthly salary or P10,000? Yes, this is true under AUB CASHelp. This is a multi-purpose salary loan extended to qualified employees of accredited companies. It provides easy access to credit with convenient repayment via salary deduction!
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But who are eligible to apply?
- Regular employees with at least one(1) year work tenure
- Minimum basic salary of Php10,000 per month
- Monthly amortization should not exceed 25% of net income
How much is the loanable amount?
- Minimum loan amount of Php30,000
- Maximum loan amount of Php250,000
Loan Term
Maximum of 36 months
Mode of Payment
Via salary deduction
Interest Rates/ other terms & conditions
Subject to bank's approval
Company Accreditation Requirements
- Latest three (3) years Audited Financial Statement
- Latest General Info Sheet
- SEC Registration Certificate
- Company/Employee Profile
Aside from CASHelp, AUB also offers loan to seafarers where they can borrow up to P500,000. This is the AUB Seafarers Loan.
Who are qualified to borrow?
- Applicant must be a Filipino citizen, at least 21, but not more than 60years old at the time of Loan maturity
- Must have completed at least one (1) employment contract at the time of loan application
- Must open an account with AUB
- Minimum gross salary of USD$1,000.00
What are the requirements?
- Completely filled out and signed Application Form
- Photocopy of Employment Contract with POEA stamp
- Photocopy of Passport and Seaman's Book
- Photocopy of Seafarers Registration Certificate (SRC)
- Allotment Arrangement certified by the company
- The latest proof of billing
- Certificate of Departure issued by the manning agency
- Authority to deduct from AUB account
Interested in AUB CASHelp or Seafarers Loan?
Call AUB at (02) 470-9498 / (02) 687-0724
(02) 631-3333 loc 885, 836, 837, 180, 181