This article is filed under: Small Cottage Designs, Small Home Design, Small House Design Plans, Small House Design Inside, Small House Architecture

These houses are single-story and designed to have one or two-bedroom. Indeed you can copy or re-create these designs here in the Philippines. You can design your own floor plan depending on the needs of your family.
Looking for a house design that will stand-out in your neighboorhood? A house design that is small, enough for a small family but beautiful to look at? Here are the following you can choose from. All design comes with a floor plan and is a product of Lockwood Builders in New Zealand.

These houses are single-story and designed to have one or two-bedroom. Indeed you can copy or re-create these designs here in the Philippines. You can design your own floor plan depending on the needs of your family.
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This article is filed under: Small Cottage Designs, Small Home Design, Small House Design Plans, Small House Design Inside, Small House Architecture