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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Part 2: Do you Know the Coverage and Benefits of Agency Hired OFWs?

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.
1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?
The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows:
a)Accidental Death Benefit-        USD 15,000.00 

b)Natural Death Benefit-             USD 10,000.0

c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit  USD 7,500.00

d)Repatriation Cost Benefit         Actual cost

e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;   USD100.00 per  month for a maximum of six (6) months 

f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for every year of employment bcontract with a maximum of USD 1,000.00 per month

g)Compassionate Visit Benefit       Actual cost

h)Medical Evacuation Benefit       Actual cost

i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.     Actual cost

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.                2.What is the Accidental Death Benefit?
When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them.
Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and work-related accidents in the factory and in theconstruction site.
1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.

3. What is the Natural Death Benefit?
When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.

4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?

Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.
 5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit?

When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her.
The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:

a)  Permanent damage to both eyes.
b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above
         the wrists;
    c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the
        ankles) and
    d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).

The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.
1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.
6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, is there a partial payment for the disability?
None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.
7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit?
In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance. 
The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to the Philippines.
The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death. 
In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).
1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.

8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ?
The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any
of the following happens:

  a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–  termination of work contract without valid reason
b) Non-payment of salary
c) Maltreatment;
d) Overworked
e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living  
   quarter, no proper bed, etc.
f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed 
   bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and
g) Medical reasons
Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.

9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?

When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.
1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.
10. What is the Money Claims Benefit?
Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor
Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money.
Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.
1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.

11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit? 

When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual.
The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW.
The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.
12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?

When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision.
In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.
13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit?
When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work
due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.

1.What are the benefits and coverages of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance?  The benefits of the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance are as follows: a)Accidental Death Benefit-                       USD 15,000.00    b)Natural Death Benefit-                             USD 10,000.0  c)Permanent Total Disablement Benefit   USD 7,500.00  d)Repatriation Cost Benefit                        Actual cost  e)Subsistence Allowance Benefit;       USD100.00 per month for a maximum of six (6) months                                                                               f)Money Claims Benefit;             Three (3) months for                                                        every year of employment                                              contract with a maximum  of USD 1,000.00 per month  g)Compassionate Visit Bene                     Actual cost  h)Medical Evacuation Benefit                   Actual cost  i)Medical Repatriation Benefit.                  Actual cost   2. What is the Accidental Death Benefit?  When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from an accident,   USD 15,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries.If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. Examples of deaths due to accidents are car accidents and  work-related accidents in the factory and in the construction site. 3. What is the Natural Death Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance dies from causes aside from accidents,USD 10,000.00 will be paid to his/her listed beneficiaries. If there are more than one listed beneficiaries, the payment will be divided equally among them. 4. Is suicide covered by the Agency- Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance? Yes. The coverage starts at the enforcement of the insurance coverage. The usual 2-year contestability period in insurance contracts is not applicable for the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.  5. What is the Total Permanent Disablement Benefit? When an insured OFW covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insuranceis totally and permanently disabled,USD 7,500.00 will be paid to him/her. The Total Permanent Disablement Benefit can be claimed if any of the following  wil happen:  a)  Permanent damage to both eyes. b)  Permanent damage to both hands (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above          the wrists;  c) Permanent damage to both feet (i.e. paralyzed or cut at or above the  ankles) and  d)  Permanent damage to the head (comatose or insanity).   The permanent disablement should be due to an accident or any health-related cause or sickness suffered during the insured’s employment.  6. If an insured OFW lost one limb (arm or foot) or an eye, Is there a partial payment for the disability? None. The Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance only covers permanent and total damage to both arms, feet, and eyes.  7. What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? In case the insured OFW was terminated by his/her employer without any valid cause, or the employee resigns with valid cause, the actual cost of transportation (air fare only) is covered by the Agency-Hired OFW Compulsory Insurance.    The proceeds of this benefit go directly to the agency to reimburse the cost of one-way plane ticket back to  the Philippines. The Repatriation Cost Benefit also covers the cost of personal belongings of the insured OFW in case of death.   In case of the insured OFW’s death, the insurance company shall render assistance in the transport of the remains and belongings through the use of their service providers (American Assist or SOS).  8. What are the valid reasons for claiming the Repatriation Cost Benefit ? The Repatriation Cost Benefit can be claimed when any of the following happens:   a) Illegal termination by the insured OFW’s employer–   termination of work contract without valid reason b) Non-payment of salary c) Maltreatment; d) Overworked e) Poor living conditions (e.g. no running water in living      quarter, no proper bed, etc. f) Poor working conditions (e.g. non-payment of agreed     bonus, no break-time during work hours, etc.); and g) Medical reasons Homesickness, loneliness, laziness, personal problems, criminal offenses and violation of Employer rules are not valid reasons and are not covered by the Repatriation Cost Benefit.  9. What is the Subsistence Allowance Benefit?  When an insured files a case against his/her employer at the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), the OFW is entitled to subsistence allowance of USD 100.00per month, for a maximum of six (6) months, will be given to the OFW to defray his/her living expenses.  10. What is the Money Claims Benefit? Money Claims Benefit is the settlement money or adjudged amount for the remaining months/years of employment contract from a case filed by an OFW against his/her recruitment agency with the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). Should the NLRC renders judgment in favor of the OFW, the recruitment/manning agency will settle the money. Within thirty (30) days, the recruitment/manning agency, must give the settlement or amount adjudged to the OFW.  11. What is the Compassionate Visit Benefit?    When an insured OFW is hospitalized and confined or to be confined for at least seven (7) consecutive days he/she shall be entitled to a compassionate visit by one (1) family member or a requested individual. The insurance company shall cover the actual cost of transportation (2-way airfare) of a family member or the requested individual to the major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of the insured OFW. The family member or the requested individual shall secure the required visa and other travel documents on his/her own.   12. What is the Medical Evacuation Benefit?  When an insured OFW’s medical needs cannot be provided for by the nearest medical facility, evacuation in any mode of transportation necessary shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician or consulting physician. The medical evacuation shall be under appropriate medical supervision. In practice, the insurance company’s service provider performs the medical evacuation.   13. What is the Medical Repatriation Benefit? When an insured OFW will no longer able to perform work due to a medical condition, repatriation under medical supervision shall be covered by the insurance company. This requires prior approval of the insurance company’s physician and consulting physician.   14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.

14. The Return of the Mortal Remains Benefit is embedded in the repatriation cost benefit. Refer to question #7 What is the Repatriation Cost Benefit? for further details.