You are in need of cash and you don’t know whom to borrow. You tried online cash lenders and applied but they have not yet contacted you, so it is most uncertain that you can get it. You thought of turning to your friends and asked for help – but who among them do you think can surely give you the favor?
Your mortgage and bills are due and your pockets are empty.
It is a good thing that you can have someone or something to turn to in case of a financial emergency.
Your mortgage and bills are due and your pockets are empty.
It is a good thing that you can have someone or something to turn to in case of a financial emergency.
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Cashalo is a financial marketplace that gives borrowers like you an access to financial products that you can use for personal use or investment with the lowest interest rate.
The aim of Cashalo is to provide “financial inclusion” or collaboration all over the Philippines, sans long lines and hassle documentation. This is because Cashalo follows the format of Peer-to-Peer or P2P Lending wherein your needs are matched to a specific lender to make sure your expectations are met.
Cashalo initially offers small cash loans from Php3,000 to Php5,000 which can be payable in 15-45 days and you can get the funds in just 30 minutes upon approval with interest rates range from 2.9 percent to 5 percent.
The Gokongweis and Hong Kong-based Oriente invested an initial P10 billion over 3 years for Cashalo.
For the loan application, you can visit their website and register.
Choose the loan amount and loan term.
Wait for 12 to 24 hours and the amount will be credited to your account.
You can also download the Cashalo app on your android smartphone from Google Play store and register.
Choose the loan amount and loan term.
Wait for 12 to 24 hours and the amount will be credited to your account.
You can also download the Cashalo app on your android smartphone from Google Play store and register.
For iOS users, it is also available for download at the Apple store for free download.