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Friday, July 28, 2017

How Hot Really is The Middle East Sun?

People who never been to any part of the Middle East couldn't help but wonder if you could really cook something  by using the scorching heat of the sun. An Instagram video of a man cooking a sunny side up under the extreme heat of the sun (about 50 degrees Celsius) in Dubai has amazed the netizens. In the video, the man set a pan under the sun for 10 minutes before he started putting oil on it. After a few moments while the oil is already scorching, he put an  egg on it, drizzled it with spices and Voila! sunny side up is ready. The man finished it up by saying : "This is how we do it in Dubai."   The truth on whether the extreme heat of the Middle East sun could really cook an egg was challenged by an OFW from Kuwait. Doctor Chie Umandap, a dentist and an OFW advocate based in Kuwait, while his followers are watching, made a live video of his experiment. He wants to find out if the extreme heat of the sun at around 54 degrees Celsius could cook a raw egg.  He also did it to show how hot really is in Kuwait. Just imagine how the heat sun could actually do to your exposed skin. He broke a fresh egg over the asphalt. It took the egg longer to be fully cooked than the video above. Another video of him placing an egg on a smooth surface under the sunlight. Noticeably, the egg yolk was cooked faster than its white. So, by watching these videos, you can witness how hot our OFWs in the middle endure during summer. But the climate is really changing and while I was in Kuwait, where seldom rainfall occurs years ago, the rain is just an ordinary scene always before every end of the summer before the winter season starts. And the start of summer is often welcomed by rain followed by a sandstorm. During summer in the Middle East, the temperature ranges from 38 degrees Celsius to scorching 55 degrees and the feel increases depending on humidity. If you left your car in an open parking for hours without the air conditioning on, you are most likely to feel oven-like experience when you get in.  Read More:  The effectivity of the Nationwide Smoking Ban or  E.O. 26 (Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-free Environment in Public and Enclosed Places) started today, July 23, but only a few seems to be aware of it.  President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Executive Order 26 with the citizens health in mind. Presidential Spokesperson Ernesto Abella said the executive order is a milestone where the government prioritize public health protection.    The smoking ban includes smoking in places such as  schools, universities and colleges, playgrounds, restaurants and food preparation areas, basketball courts, stairwells, health centers, clinics, public and private hospitals, hotels, malls, elevators, taxis, buses, public utility jeepneys, ships, tricycles, trains, airplanes, and  gas stations which are prone to combustion. The Department of Health  urges all the establishments to post "no smoking" signs in compliance with the new executive order. They also appeal to the public to report any violation against the nationwide ban on smoking in public places.   Read More:          ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS, TYPE KEYWORDS and TITLE OF ARTICLE at the box below Smoking is only allowed in designated smoking areas to be provided by the owner of the establishment. Smoking in private vehicles parked in public areas is also prohibited. What Do You Need To know About The Nationwide Smoking Ban Violators will be fined P500 to P10,000, depending on their number of offenses, while owners of establishments caught violating the EO will face a fine of P5,000 or imprisonment of not more than 30 days. The Department of Health  urges all the establishments to post "no smoking" signs in compliance with the new executive order. They also appeal to the public to report any violation against the nationwide ban on smoking in public places.          ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS, TYPE KEYWORDS and TITLE OF ARTICLE at the box below

People who never been to any part of the Middle East couldn't help but wonder if you could really cook something  by using the scorching heat of the sun.
An Instagram video of a man cooking a sunny side up under the extreme heat of the sun (about 50 degrees Celsius) in Dubai has amazed the netizens. In the video, the man set a pan under the sun for 10 minutes before he started putting oil on it. After a few moments while the oil is already scorching, he put an  egg on it, drizzled it with spices and Voila! sunny side up is ready. The man finished it up by saying : "This is how we do it in Dubai."

The truth on whether the extreme heat of the Middle East sun could really cook an egg was challenged by an OFW from Kuwait. Doctor Chie Umandap, a dentist and an OFW advocate based in Kuwait, while his followers are watching, made a live video of his experiment. He wants to find out if the extreme heat of the sun at around 54 degrees Celsius could cook a raw egg.  He also did it to show how hot really is in Kuwait. Just imagine how the heat sun could actually do to your exposed skin. He broke a fresh egg over the asphalt. It took the egg longer to be fully cooked than the video above.
Another video of him placing an egg on a smooth surface under the sunlight. Noticeably, the egg yolk was cooked faster than its white. So, by watching these videos, you can witness how hot our OFWs in the middle endure during summer. But the climate is really changing and while I was in Kuwait, where seldom rainfall occurs years ago, the rain is just an ordinary scene always before every end of the summer before the winter season starts. And the start of summer is often welcomed by rain followed by a sandstorm.
During summer in the Middle East, the temperature ranges from 38 degrees Celsius to scorching 55 degrees and the feel increases depending on humidity. If you left your car in an open parking for hours without the air conditioning on, you are most likely to feel oven-like experience when you get in.