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Monday, July 24, 2017

10 Fascinating Places in the World You Are Not Allowed to Visit

The world is full of interesting facts and stories. Lucky for some who has a chance to uncover the truth behind and to 'solve the mysteries'.  There are places on the planet that really fascinates human mind and of course many wants to visit but are restricted due to some reasons such as dangers. Here are fascinating 10 places in the world we are not allowed to visit for some reasons.

The world is full of interesting facts and stories. Lucky for some who has a chance to uncover the truth behind and to 'solve the mysteries'. 
There are places on the planet that really fascinates human mind and of course many wants to visit but are restricted due to some reasons such as dangers. Here are fascinating 10 places in the world we are not allowed to visit for some reasons.

1. Heard Island Volcano
Location: Australia

Also known as Big Ben, a volcanic massif that dominates Heard Island in the southern Indian Ocean. Big Ben is the highest mountain in Australian Territory. It is considered as one of the most remote places on earth. The 368-square-mile landmass is mountainous, has 41 glaciers and is also home to an array of wildlife including penguins, seals, and marine birds. 

In 2000, a scientist from the University of Hawaii noticed a two-kilometer-long lava flow coming from the southwest side of Mawson's Peak, a 2,745-foot-high complex volcano which has been active ever since. 

But Big Ben does not endanger humans because Heard Island is uninhabited. But aside from volcano and its dangers, the weather on the island is very poor. You also need to sail for two weeks to reach any other major land mass.

Because of this, it is considered to be most dangerous and hardest places in the world to access.

2. Snake Island

Also known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, is a 43-hectare island located off the Brazilian coastline, approximately 20 miles from the Sao Paulo shore.

Snake island is a home of Golden Lancehead Viper, one of the worlds most deadly species of snake, whose venom can eat through flesh. There are more than 4,000 of them on the island and they are responsible for 90% of all snakebite-related deaths in the country.

Whatever the case, the Brazilian government has prohibited any visitors from setting foot there with one exception: Every few years the government grants a handful of scientists a permit to study the snakes.

Developers once planned to build a banana plantation on the island. It didn't work out.

The Brazilian Navy has forbidden anyone from landing on the island and government has prohibited any visitors from going except for few scientist to conduct a study on the snakes.

3. North Sentinel Island, Andaman Island
Location: Bay of Bengal, South Asia

Small and heavily forested island in the Bay of Bengal surrounded with coral reefs. It is among Andaman and Nicobar Island which is a group of 572 islands in the Bay of Bengal between Myanmar and Indonesia.

These islands were formally a part of the Republic of India and the government has declared few of these island including North Sentinel Island close to outsiders in order to preserve the distinct culture of these lands.

Aside from this, North Sentinel Island is inhabited by small indigenous population known as Sentinelese. They are among the world’s last communities to remain untouched by modern civilization.

This tribe rejected contact with other people and its inhabitants kill any outsiders who try to get too close to their land. They drive off fishermen, journalists, anthropologists and government officials with their spears and arrows.

4. Lascaus Megaloceros Lascaux Caves
Location: France

Listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site and considered to be a most famous prehistoric cave in the world. The cave has one great chamber and two passageways and was discovered by four adolescent boys in 1940.

The cave contains 13 different styles of Palaeolithic wall paintings, depicting horses, ibex, stags and a reindeer. The caves, some of which may have been used for ritual ceremonies, were closed in 1963 in order to halt the deterioration of the paintings.

Picasso visited the cave in 1950 and he was reportedly emerged and exclaimed: "We have invented nothing."

In 2008 the caves have been completely sealed off to public following fungal outbreak. The government of France only allow, few scientist to enter for few days to study the paintings.

5. Poveglia Island
Location: Italy

Particularly located between Venice and Lido and long been considered as one of the most haunted places on earth.

According to history, it has been a home to a fort, used as a shipping check point, been a quarantine station for the Bubonic Plague and an asylum.

In 1968, the psychiatric hospital was closed down and the island was abandoned. It has believed that the ghost of plague victims, war victims and the host of a murderous asylum doctor roam the decaying grounds.

There are no boats that make a regular stop on the island. The Italian tourism board prohibits visiting the island and requires a lengthy application process, where you must obtain approval before you can step onto the human ash-covered land.

The Italian government offered the island up for long term lease (99 years) in 2014 and has been sold at auction for more than £400,000 in that year.

An Italian businessman, Luigi Brugnaro, won the auction, which will allow him to lease the picturesque location for 99 years.

Brugarno's spokesman said he has not yet decided what he will do with the island but wants it to have some form of public use.

It is estimated the restoration of the island's derelict buildings will cost around £16.25 million.

6. Vatican Secret Archives
Location: Vatican City

Mostly underground and buried deep within the walls of Vatican. The Vatican Secret Archive contains the history of the acts of the Holy Sea, along with historic documents, state papers, papal account books, and other official correspondence, some of which dates back to the eighth century.

Items include letters from Michelangelo, a letter from Mary Queen of Scots written while she was awaiting her execution, and King Henry VIII’s request for a marriage annulment.

The Pope owns the archives until his death or resignation, with ownership passing to his successor. In the 17th century, under the orders of Pope Paul V, the Secret Archives were separated from the Vatican Library, where scholars had some very limited access to them, and remained closed to outsiders until 1881, when Pope Leo XIII opened them to researchers.

Qualified scholars from institutions of higher education pursuing scientific research, with an adequate knowledge of archival research, may apply for an entry card. Applicants need to specify their personal data (name, address etc.) as well as the purpose of their research. Undergraduate students are not admitted.

There are strict limitations to what archive users are able to view and access. For example, no materials dated after 1939 are available for public viewing – and an entire section of the archives relating to the personal affairs of cardinals from 1922 onwards can’t be accessed.Pope Francis is considering when to open the full archives of Pope Pius XII.

7.Ise Grand Shrine
Location: Japan

Most sacred Shinto shrine in Japan. It is considered to be the spiritual home of the Japanese and its national religion Shinto, and as such receives over six million pilgrims and tourists every year.

Even it is one of popular destination in Japan, you can only see part of the main shrine buildings as they are almost completely hidden from view behind wooden fences. The inner sanctum can only be entered by members of the imperial family and a few select shrine priests. It is such a holy site that the head priest or priestess must come from the imperial family.

Picture taking is not allowed in the main shrine building located in Mie Prefecture. While the location of the shrine is said to date back to the third century, the standing structures have been dismantled and replaced every 20 years — most recently in 2013 — consistent with Shinto beliefs regarding death and renewal.

8. Area 51
Location: Nevada, USA

Known as one of the most secretive locations in the world located between the dry lake bed to the North East and a small mountain to the West.

Area 51 has been a hot spot for extra terrestrial enthusiasts because the government did not acknowledge its existence until 2013.

The Nevada-based military testing facility has been a focal point of many conspiracy theorists and UFOlogists since the late 1970s, who claim that the base houses secretive alien technology.

It has long been fenced off from the prying eyes of the public, with armed guards swarming the surrounding area.

Area 51 is blanketed by a strict 23 by 25-mile (37 by 40km) no-fly zone for civilian aircraft and is rumored to be protected with anti aircraft weaponry and fighter jets.

Nearby viewpoints Freedom Ridge and White Sides Peak, which offer vantage points looking down on the base, are off-limits to the public.

While the area surrounding Area 51 is a popular tourist destination for alien enthusiasts, access to Area 51 itself is completely prohibited, except to intelligence and military personnel with special clearance.

9. Tomb of the Qin Shi Huang
Location: China

At the age of 39, China's first Emperor, Qin Shi Huang died on September 10, 210 BC. When he died, Qin Shi Huang was buried in the most opulent tomb complex ever constructed in China, a sprawling, city-size collection of underground caverns containing everything the emperor would need for the afterlife.

The ancient Chinese, along with many cultures including ancient Egyptians, believed that items and even people buried with a person could be taken with him to the afterlife.

But instead of burying his armies, concubines, administrators, and servants with him, the Qin emperor came up with an alternative: clay reproductions widely known as the Terracotta Army. 

Since its initial discovery in 1974, over 2,000 statues have been excavated, each of them completely unique, and experts believe that there may be more than 8,000 in total surrounding the central tomb, still yet to be uncovered.

However, the Chinese government might never allow the excavation of the emperor’s tomb, choosing to respect the ancient burial rites. So while tourists can catch a glimpse of the emperor’s clay army during a site tour, the ancient warrior’s main tomb may remain undiscovered indefinitely.

10. Svalbard Global Seed Vault
Location:Spitsbergen Island, Norway

The Seed Vault has the capacity to store 4.5 million seed samples. Each sample contains an average count of 500 seeds, so a maximum of 2.25 billion seeds can be stored in the facility. The collection and storage of seeds will continue for some time. When just half of the first of three vault rooms is filled, it will hold the world’s largest collection of seeds.

The idea behind the seed bank is to provide a safety net against accidental loss diversity in the case of a major global or regional event. It functions much like a safety deposit box at the bank, allowing organizations or governments to ‘deposit’ seed variations in the vault for safe keeping, and only they have access to their deposits. 

Svalbard was chosen for several reasons. It's cold climate and permafrost make the area a perfect location for underground cold storage. The surrounding sandstone is stable for building and is low in radiation. In terms of security, Svalbard scores high marks compared to the locations of many other genebanks in the world

It took a year to build the 11,000-square-foot facility and protected by highly advanced security systems and access is strictly limited to a handful of employees.