Once you become a covered SSS member, you become a member for life. So be sure you or your employer is paying your SSS contribution regularly to avail the full coverage of benefits in times of need.
According to the Social Security System (SSS) website ( here are the benefits you may get from the Social Security Program.
1. Sickness Benefit
The sickness benefit is a daily cash allowance paid for the number of days a member is unable to work due to sickness or injury.
A member is qualified to avail of this benefit if:
A member is unable to work due to sickness or injury and confined either in a hospital or at home for at least four (4) days;
He/she has paid at least three (3) months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of sickness or injury;
He/she has used up all current company sick leaves with pay; and
He/she has notified the employer regarding his sickness or injury by filing the sickness benefit application; if he/she is an unemployed, voluntary or self-employed member, the sickness notification should be submitted directly to SSS.
2. Maternity Benefit
The maternity benefit is a daily cash allowance granted to a female member who was unable to work due to childbirth or miscarriage.
The maternity benefit is offered only to female SSS members. A member is qualified to avail of this benefit if:
She has paid at least three monthly contributions within the 12-month period immediately preceding the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage.
She has given the required notification of her pregnancy to SSS through her employer if employed; or submitted the maternity notification directly to the SSS if separated from employment, a voluntary or self-employed member.
The maternity benefit shall be paid only for the first four (4) deliveries or miscarriages starting May 24, 1997 when the Social Security Act of 1997 (RA 8282) took effect.
3. Disability Benefit
Adopting the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition, disability is any "restriction or lack (resulting from impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being".
The redesigned SSS Disability Benefit program adopts the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems codes and takes into account the medical management of illnesses and injuries and their corresponding impairment ratings.
A member who suffers partial or total disability with at least one monthly contribution paid to the SSS prior to the semester of contingency is qualified.
Partial Disability
A complete and permanent loss or use of any of the following body parts, but which does not totally prevent a member from engaging in any gainful occupation.
one thumb
one index finger
one middle finger
one ring finger
one little finger
hearing of one ear
hearing of both ears
sight of one eye
one big toe
one hand
one arm
one foot
one leg
one ear
both ears
Permanent Total Disability
complete loss of sight of both eyes;
loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists;
permanent complete paralysis of two limbs;
brain injury resulting to incurable imbecility or insanity; andsuch cases as determined and approved by the SSS.
4. Retirement Benefit
The retirement benefit is a cash benefit either in monthly pension or lump sum paid to a member who can no longer work due to old age.
A member is qualified to avail of this benefit if:
Member is 60 years old, separated from employment or ceased to be self-employed, and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement.
Member is 65 years old, whether employed or not, and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement.
5. Death Benefit
It is a cash benefit either in monthly pension or lump sum paid to the beneficiaries of a deceased member.
The primary beneficiaries are the legitimate dependent spouse until the person remarries, and the member's dependent legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted, and illegitimate children who are not yet 21 years old. In the absence of primary beneficiaries, the dependent parents shall be the secondary beneficiaries. In their absence, any other person designated by the member as beneficiary in the member's record.
There are two types of death benefit paid to beneficiaries of a member: Pension and Lump sum Amount.
To qualify for either, the member must have met the following:
For Pension - the deceased member must have paid at least 36 monthly contributions before the semester of death.
For Lumpsum Amount - granted to the primary beneficiaries of a deceased member who had paid less than 36 monthly contributions before the semester of death. Also, in the absence of primary beneficiaries, the secondary beneficaries are granted the death benefit in lumpsum amount.