Performances of two Philippines contestant, a dance group and a 10-year old singer leads them to the grand finals of the Asia's Got Talent.
Dance Troupe Junior New System Rocks Crowd, Earns Golden Buzzer | Asia’s Got Talent Semis 2. Junior New System’s flawless performance puts the crowd in an absolute frenzy. Melanie C is brought to tears, Van Ness says it’s his favorite act, and by the end, there was only one thing left to do… AWARD THEM THE #GOLDENBUZZER!
Image courtesy of AXN Asia Got Talent
Dance Troupe Junior New System Rocks Crowd, Earns Golden Buzzer | Asia’s Got Talent Semis 2. Junior New System’s flawless performance puts the crowd in an absolute frenzy. Melanie C is brought to tears, Van Ness says it’s his favorite act, and by the end, there was only one thing left to do… AWARD THEM THE #GOLDENBUZZER!
Rocking a mature look, and with a full band supporting her, fierce Gwyenth Dorado covers Jessie J’s “Nobody’s Perfect” like a real rockstar!
El Gamma Penumbra, with their shadow play will compete in the semi-finals 3 on April 30
El Gamma Penumbra, with their shadow play will compete in the semi-finals 3 on April 30
Now that Semis episode 2 is over, let's welcome your Semis 3 contestants! Can't wait for these exciting acts NEXT THURSDAY! #AsiasGotTalent
Posted by Asia's Got Talent on Thursday, April 23, 2015