Saving money is a challenge especially if you are living from paycheck to paycheck! With the increasing prices of basic goods and services, saving money becomes a less priority nowadays. Some of us even look for a part-time or extra job to make ends meet.
In spite of this, we should save money whatever it takes. Our savings is a big help in time of medical emergencies in the family. We can also use our savings to start a small business for an extra income! There are so many things we can do to grow our money if we have enough savings. But the common question nowadays is how to save amid increasing prices of almost everything you buy?
Still, this is very much possible! According to Chinkee Tan, a well-known financial guru in the Philippines for his practical tips on money, we can even increase our savings up to P100,000 a year! In his video below, Tan explains five practical things where we can save money!
Still, this is very much possible! According to Chinkee Tan, a well-known financial guru in the Philippines for his practical tips on money, we can even increase our savings up to P100,000 a year! In his video below, Tan explains five practical things where we can save money!
1. Cut down your Cable Expenses
If you want to save some money, cut your cable! Cable is not the only way to watch your favorite shows these days. There are many cheaper alternatives to cable TV. You can also buy a much cheaper subscription for your favorite channel. You can even watch your favorite shows online or on Youtube for free!
According to Chinkee Tan, you can save up to P12,000 a year if you are paying P1,000 a month in your cable subscription. That's a big saving indeed!
2. Budget Your Grocery Expenses
3. Avoid Eating Out!
Ask yourself, how many times you eat out with friends or families in a month? If you are spending P1,000 a week in eating or drinking out, imagine that is P48,000 in a year! It does not mean you should not eat or treat your family out, but you can lessen your expenses with this. According to Chinkee Tan, treating your family once in a while is not bad at all.
4. Cancel Your Gym Membership
For those who have a gym membership but does not appear in the gym. Cancel your membership and save the money. You can exercise inside your home or run around the corner. You can have the same benefit of exercising without spending money on memberships.
5. Sell Stuffs that You Do Not Need
5. Sell Stuffs that You Do Not Need