Aside from widespread of fake items from eggs to rice, personal stuffs and even fake news on the internet, do you know that fake people has been also in existence. These are the people who are not really who they say they are but under their masquerade is a totally different person you thought you knew but you don't.
In this article, we compiled the 10 most obvious characteristics where you can identify and differentiate fake people from the genuine ones.
Lets begin.
Have you ever come across a colleague or a friend whose attitude changes when they see their higher-ups or just basically anyone in position?
Stay away from them. They only show respect to those in "power".
Real people respect everyone regardless of status.
These people will try any means to get everyone around them to like them. They are people pleasers. Genuine people do not need to go to such extent as people would like them for who they are.
These people who has personal problems would not try solving them.They will start posting it all over their social media accounts and wait until they got people's attention. They love blowing a trumpet in a crowded room just to be noticed. Genuine people doesn't need much attention like fake people do.
They like to brag just about anything. They always have the need to be a star. Stay away from these people.
Most people will have the tendency to gossip at some point of the conversations we have. But these people would make a healthy conversation into a gossip session. As fake people they are, they tend to collect rumors about anyone for future use.
They are fond of making promises just to entrap people to their circle. But those promises are only made to be broken.
These kind of friends will keep on trying to find something in their life that is better than yours to show that they are better than you. They can even criticize you or what you do to make it look like you are nothing as compared to them. They can even drag you down. The best way to deal with them is to stay away.
When you agree to help them they are oh-so-ever grateful to you – just for that moment. Once the favour has been done, they disappear for a long, long time. Expect them to come to you again with the widest smile when they need something from you.
Humans have all sorts of emotions – including the more negative ones. These emotions are what makes us human. But, for someone who’s fake, they have no emotion. They are like zombies if they do not feel anything like they want to portray. This is just a part of their many fake antics.
These people have the mindset that no one makes mistake except for them. So, the moment you did something which affects them, they will not forgive you and hold a grudge against you. Probably till you please them in one way or another, but that is not a guarantee.
Spotting fake people before they can even get into our circle saves us from emotional harm. There are lots of them in the world we live in. Some of them do it to survive or simply just to be accepted. Having a genuine people around is always harmonious that having pretentious people who do not even know themselves.