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Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Scientists And Journalists Found The Vast Richness Of The Benham Rise

An inspection team of scientists, journalists and fishermen headed to Benham Rise with Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol and they discovered a vast rich fishing ground that would be a sufficient source of food for the country. For example, the yellowfin tuna which is abundant in the area could cost P15,000 each. Divers who examined the bottom of Benham Rise also discovered fine coral formations that can be a good breeding ground for the various species of fishes to allow them to spawn.

Fishermen spend at least 20 hours to get there and spend weeks or even months to make the most of their trip. They are leaving their families behind for the sake of a good catch. Sometimes, they risk their lives due to strong winds and gigantic waves but they have no choice because that is where they earn a living.
An inspection team of scientists, journalists and fishermen headed to Benham Rise with Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol and they discovered a vast rich fishing ground that would be a sufficient source of food for the country. For example, the yellowfin tuna which is abundant in the area could cost 15,000 each. Divers who examined the bottom of Benham Rise also discovered fine coral formations that can be a good breeding ground for the various species of fishes to allow them to spawn.  Fishermen spend at least 20 hours to get there and spend weeks or even months to make the most of their trip. They are leaving their families behind for the sake of a good catch. Sometimes, they risk their lives due to strong winds and gigantic waves but they have no choice because that is where they earn a living.   To help the fishermen, the government is setting up 15 buoys, each of which costs P200,000. It is distributed evenly with a 35-meter rope attached to a cylindrical concrete which serves as an anchor. The buoys are then adorned with palm trees that will attract the fishes like mackerels and other fishes to congregate in the area. The fishermen said that these buoys can help them a lot. As of now, they never caught what they called the treasure of the area - the pacific bluefin tuna. With the fishermen's description the said fish is extremely humongous that by its weight alone, their equipment breaks even without even moving.   Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol said that he will make a recommendation to President Duterte to declare Benham Rise as an exclusive food production zone, prohibiting any form of oil exploration or similar activities. He said that the real treasure of the area is its worth in food security. Any exploration, according to Piñol may damage it and cause ecological imbalance.    Recommended:   Infidelity can be perceived harmless through the eyes of those who commit it but certainly not for the affected ones, especially the children. It affects them  more than you think. You do it once and it will haunt your family for generations.   There are 7 ways that you are destroying the lives of your kids by committing infidelity:    Your infidelite will be emulated by your kids. Your example is their perception of what is fine and what is right. Children with broken families are most likely to commit infidelity in their adulthood.   They experienced the worst betrayal any human can experience. You cheat your spouse, you cheat your entire household. You inflicted your little children with the worst uncertainty. If you failed their mother/father, what else can stop you from failing them?  They started to panic with the thought that they will be abandoned. It will greatly affect their future.  s they grow up, they tend to push away anyone who shows affection in fear that they will lose them anyway.    You push them to distrust anyone. According to Huffington post, 75% of children with either parents cheated are having abnormal issues on distrusting others.          They will not believe in love anymore.   You are pushing your children to choose sides.   So, if you have a family, you better think millions of times before having an affair. You might be comparing a moment of wrong blissful adventure to the unconditional love that nobody can give, only your spouse and your children.   Recommended:  PSYCHOLOGY:WHAT THOSE HOUSE CLUTTERS TELL ABOUT YOU? We seem to be surrounded by lots of things. Clutters are everywhere and it's everyone's choice whether to de-clutter or not. In our houses, for example,  sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of so much stuff without knowing exactly why we have clutter in the first place? Are we buying too much stuff or we are lacking of enough storage room to keep all of them? Or maybe it tells something interesting about our state of mind?   Noah Mankowski, a Clinical psychologist and an expert in hoarding, says that while there isn’t any solid scientific evidence to prove that the actual site of clutter is significant, there could be some truth to it.                            “That theory is based on a Freudian idea that everything happens for a reason – that there are no mistakes,” says  Ben Buchanan, clinical psychologist from Foundation Psychology Victoria.             “Freudians would say that everything’s got meaning, everything’s got a symbol …They would say that there’s a deep unconscious motivation, usually rooted in childhood, for not being able to let go of something. And there’s some truth in that, but I think people take it a bit far.”     Bridget Fitzgerald, a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, points out that a house that is too-clean  could also mean something.     Whichever school of thought you want to follow, there is no harm in asking yourself what are the clutters in your house may want to tell you.    RECOMMENDED:  BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED,BE AWARE OF THIS  ISRAEL TO HIRE HUNDREDS OF FILIPINOS FOR HOTEL JOBS  MALLS WITH OSSCO AND OTHER GOVERNMENT SERVICES  DOMESTIC ABUSE EXPOSED ON SOCIAL MEDIA  HSW IN KUWAIT: NO SALARY FOR 9 YEARS  DEATH COMPENSATION FOR SAUDI EXPATS  ON JAKATIA PAWA'S EXECUTION: "WE DID EVERYTHING.." -DFA  BELLO ASSURES DECISION ON MORATORIUM MAY COME OUT ANYTIME SOON  SEN. JOEL VILLANUEVA  SUPPORTS DEPLOYMENT BAN ON HSWS IN KUWAIT  AT LEAST 71 OFWS ON DEATH ROW ABROAD  DEPLOYMENT MORATORIUM, NOW! -OFW GROUPS  BE CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT YOUR HSWS  PRESIDENT DUTERTE WILL VISIT UAE AND KSA, HERE'S WHY  MANPOWER AGENCIES AND RECRUITMENT COMPANIES TO BE HIT DIRECTLY BY HSW DEPLOYMENT MORATORIUM IN KUWAIT  UAE TO START IMPLEMENTING 5%VAT STARTING 2018  REMEMBER THIS 7 THINGS IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR HOUSEKEEPING JOB IN JAPAN  KENYA , THE LEAST TOXIC COUNTRY IN THE WORLD; SAUDI ARABIA, MOST TOXIC   "JUNIOR CITIZEN "  BILL TO BENEFIT P Noah Mankowski, a Clinical psychologist and an expert in hoarding, says that while there isn’t any solid scientific evidence to prove that the actual site of clutter is significant, there could be some truth to it. Why OFWs Remain in Neck-deep Debts After Years Of Working Abroad? From beginning to the end, the real life of OFWs are colorful indeed.  To work outside the country, they invest too much, spend a lot. They start making loans for the processing of their needed documents to work abroad.  From application until they can actually leave the country, they spend big sum of money for it.  But after they were being able to finally work abroad, the story did not just end there. More often than not, the big sum of cash  they used to pay the recruitment agency fees cause them to suffer from indebtedness.  They were being charged and burdened with too much fees, which are not even compliant with the law. Because of their eagerness to work overseas, they immerse themselves to high interest loans for the sake of working abroad. The recruitment agencies play a big role why the OFWs are suffering from neck-deep debts. Even some licensed agencies, they freely exploit the vulnerability of the OFWs. Due to their greed to collect more cash from every OFWs that they deploy, it results to making the life of OFWs more miserable by burying them in debts.  The result of high fees collected by the agencies can even last even the OFWs have been deployed abroad. Some employers deduct it to their salaries for a number of months, leaving the OFWs broke when their much awaited salary comes.  But it doesn't end there. Some of these agencies conspire with their counterpart agencies to urge the foreign employers to cut the salary of the poor OFWs in their favor. That is of course, beyond the expectation of the OFWs.   Even before they leave, the promised salary is already computed and allocated. They have already planned how much they are going to send to their family back home. If the employer would cut the amount of the salary they are expecting to receive, the planned remittance will surely suffer, it includes the loans that they promised to be paid immediately on time when they finally work abroad.  There is such a situation that their family in the Philippines carry the burden of paying for these loans made by the OFW. For example. An OFW father that has found a mistress, which is a fellow OFW, who turned his back  to his family  and to his obligations to pay his loans made for the recruitment fees. The result, the poor family back home, aside from not receiving any remittance, they will be the ones who are obliged to pay the loans made by the OFW, adding weight to the emotional burden they already had aside from their daily needs.      Read: Common Money Mistakes Why Ofws remain Broke After Years Of Working Abroad   Source: Bandera/ NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES  NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS  From beginning to the end, the real life of OFWs are colorful indeed. To work outside the country, they invest too much, spend a lot. They start making loans for the processing of their needed documents to work abroad.  NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH). If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission.  Here are the steps on claiming the Employee Compensation for private employees.        Step 1. Prepare the following documents:  Certificate of Employment- stating  the actual duties and responsibilities of the employee at the time of his sickness or accident.  EC Log Book- certified true copy of the page containing the particular sickness or accident that happened to the employee.  Medical Findings- should come from  the attending doctor the hospital where the employee was admitted.     Step 2. Gather the additional documents if the employee is;  1. Got sick: Request your company to provide  pre-employment medical check -up or  Fit-To-Work certification at the time that you first got hired . Also attach Medical Records from your company.  2. In case of accident: Provide an Accident report if the accident happened within the company or work premises. Police report if it happened outside the company premises (i.e. employee's residence etc.)  3 In case of Death:  Bring the Death Certificate, Medical Records and accident report of the employee. If married, bring the Marriage Certificate and the Birth Certificate of his children below 21 years of age.      FINAL ENTRY HERE, LINKS OTHERS   Step 3.  Gather all the requirements together and submit it to the nearest SSS office. Wait for the SSS decision,if approved, you will receive a notice and a cheque from the SSS. If denied, ask for a written denial letter from SSS and file a motion for reconsideration and submit it to the SSS Main office. In case that the motion is  not approved, write a letter of appeal and send it to ECC and wait for their decision.      Contact ECC Office at ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave, Makati, 1209 Metro ManilaPhone:(02) 899 4251 Recommended: NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.   Read more: Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH).  Read more:   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    How to File Employment Compensation for Private Workers If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission. If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission.  Here are the steps on claiming the Employee Compensation for private employees.        Step 1. Prepare the following documents:  Certificate of Employment- stating  the actual duties and responsibilities of the employee at the time of his sickness or accident.  EC Log Book- certified true copy of the page containing the particular sickness or accident that happened to the employee.  Medical Findings- should come from  the attending doctor the hospital where the employee was admitted.     Step 2. Gather the additional documents if the employee is;  1. Got sick: Request your company to provide  pre-employment medical check -up or  Fit-To-Work certification at the time that you first got hired . Also attach Medical Records from your company.  2. In case of accident: Provide an Accident report if the accident happened within the company or work premises. Police report if it happened outside the company premises (i.e. employee's residence etc.)  3 In case of Death:  Bring the Death Certificate, Medical Records and accident report of the employee. If married, bring the Marriage Certificate and the Birth Certificate of his children below 21 years of age.      FINAL ENTRY HERE, LINKS OTHERS   Step 3.  Gather all the requirements together and submit it to the nearest SSS office. Wait for the SSS decision,if approved, you will receive a notice and a cheque from the SSS. If denied, ask for a written denial letter from SSS and file a motion for reconsideration and submit it to the SSS Main office. In case that the motion is  not approved, write a letter of appeal and send it to ECC and wait for their decision.      Contact ECC Office at ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave, Makati, 1209 Metro ManilaPhone:(02) 899 4251 Recommended: NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.   Read more: Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH).  Read more:   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS   Requirements and Fees for Reduced Travel Tax for OFW Dependents What is a travel tax? According to TIEZA ( Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority), it is a levy imposed by the Philippine government on individuals who are leaving the Philippines, as provided for by Presidential Decree (PD) 1183.   A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. For an average Filipino like me, it’s quite pricey. Overseas Filipino Workers, diplomats and airline crew members are exempted from paying travel tax before but now, travel tax for OFWs are included in their air ticket prize and can be refunded later at the refund counter at NAIA.  However, OFW dependents can apply for  standard reduced travel tax. Children or Minors from 2 years and one (1) day to 12th birthday on date of travel.  Accredited Filipino journalist whose travel is in pursuit of journalistic assignment and   those authorized by the President of the Republic of the Philippines for reasons of national interest, are also entitled to avail the reduced travel tax. If you will travel anywhere in the world from the Philippines, you must be aware about the travel tax that you need to settle before your flight.  What is a travel tax? According to TIEZA ( Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority), it is a levy imposed by the Philippine government on individuals who are leaving the Philippines, as provided for by Presidential Decree (PD) 1183.   A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. For an average Filipino like me, it’s quite pricey. Overseas Filipino Workers, diplomats and airline crew members are exempted from paying travel tax before but now, travel tax for OFWs are included in their air ticket prize and can be refunded later at the refund counter at NAIA.  However, OFW dependents can apply for  standard reduced travel tax. Children or Minors from 2 years and one (1) day to 12th birthday on date of travel.  Accredited Filipino journalist whose travel is in pursuit of journalistic assignment and   those authorized by the President of the Republic of the Philippines for reasons of national interest, are also entitled to avail the reduced travel tax.           For privileged reduce travel tax, the legitimate spouse and unmarried children (below 21 years old) of the OFWs are qualified to avail.   How much can you save if you avail of the reduced travel tax?  A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. Paying it in full can be costly. With the reduced travel tax policy, your travel tax has been cut roughly by 50 percent for the standard reduced rate and further lower  for the privileged reduce rate.  How much is the Reduced Travel Tax?  First Class Economy Standard Reduced Rate P1,350.00 P810.00 Privileged Reduced Rate    P400.00 P300.00  Image from TIEZA  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO Infidelity can be perceived harmless through the eyes of those who commit it but certainly not for the affected ones, especially the children. It affects them  more than you think. You do it once and it will haunt your family for generations.  A massive attack on Google hit millions of Gmail users after receiving an email which instructs the user to click on a document. After that, a very google-like page that will ask for your password and that's where you get infected. Experts warned that if ever you received an email which asks you to click a document, please! DO NOT CLICK IT!  This "worm" which arrived in the inboxes of Gmail users in the form of an email from a trusted contact asking users to click on an attached "Google Docs," or GDocs, file. Clicking on the link took them to a real Google security page, where users were asked to give permission for the fake app, posing as GDocs, to have an access to the users' email account.  For added menace, this worm also sent itself out to all of the contacts of the affected user Gmail or and others spawning itself hundreds of times any time a single user was hooked on its snare.  Follow Google Docs  ✔@googledocs We are investigating a phishing email that appears as Google Docs. We encourage you to not click through & report as phishing within Gmail. 4:08 AM - 4 May 2017       4,6234,623 Retweets     2,5192,519 likes It is a common strategy but what puzzled millions of affected users was the sophisticated construction of the malicious link which was so realistic; from the email sender to the link that remarkably looks real. Worms or phishing attacks generally access your personal information like passwords of your bank accounts, social media accounts, and others.  This gmail/docs hack is clever. It's abusing oauth to gain access to accounts. 4:51 AM - 4 May 2017       Retweets     11 like    Follow St George Police @sgcitypubsafety Do you Goole? Or use GMAIL? Watch out for this scam & spread the word (not the virus!) … 4:50 AM - 4 May 2017  Photo published for New Google Docs phishing scam, almost undetectable • r/google New Google Docs phishing scam, almost undetectable • r/google I received a phishing email today, and very nearly fell for it. I'll go through the steps here: 1. I [received an...       22 Retweets     44 likes   View image on Twitter View image on Twitter   Follow CortlandtDailyVoice @CortlandtDV Westchester School Officials Warn Of Gmail Email 'Situation'  4:50 AM - 4 May 2017       11 Retweet     11 like    Follow Shane Gustafson  ✔@Shane_WMBD SCAM ALERT: Gmail accounts across the country have been hacked, several agencies are asking you to be aware. … 4:48 AM - 4 May 2017  Photo published for Gmail Hack Hits Central Illinois Gmail Hack Hits Central Illinois An attack against Gmail accounts across the country also targets several agencies in central Illinois.       66 Retweets     33 likes    Follow Lance @lancewmccarthy Man, gmail's getting hammered today with spam and phishing attacks. 4:49 AM - 4 May 2017       11 Retweet     11 like Within an hour,  a red warning began appearing with the malicious email that says it could be a phishing attack.   View image on Twitter View image on Twitter   Follow Jen Lee Reeves @jenleereeves Be careful, Twitter people with Gmail accounts! Do not click on the "doc share" box. It's a solid attempt at phishing. 4:14 AM - 4 May 2017       44 Retweets     77 likes    However, Google said that they had "disabled" the malicious accounts and pushed updates to all users. They also said that it only affected "fewer than 0.1 percent of Gmail users" still be about 1 million of the service's roughly 1 billion users around the world.  What do you have to do if you experienced similar phishing attacks?        Source: NBC Recommended:  Do You Need Money For Tuition Fee For The Next School Year? You Need To Watch This Do you need money for your tuition fee to be able to study this coming school year? The Philippine government might be able to help you. All you need to do is to follow these steps:  -Inquire at the state college or university where you want to study.  -Bring Identification forms. If your family is a 4Ps subsidiary, prepare and bring your 4Ps identification card. For families who are not a member of 4Ps, bring your family's proof of income.  -Bring the registration form from your state college or university where you want to study.   Nicholas Tenazas, Deputy executive Director of CHED-UniFAST said that in the program, the state colleges and universities will not collect any tuition fee from the students. The Government will shoulder their tuition fees.  CHED-UniFAST or the Unified Student Financial Assistance For Tertiary Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 10687  which aims to provide quality education to the Filipinos.  What are the qualifications for availing of the modalities of UniFAST?  The applicant for any of the modalities under the UniFAST must meet the following minimum qualifications:  (a) must be a Filipino citizen, but the Board may grant exemptions to foreign students based on reciprocal programs that provide similar benefits to Filipino students, such as student exchange programs, international reciprocal Scholarships, and other mutually beneficial programs;   (b) must be a high school graduate or its equivalent from duly authorized institutions;   (c) must possess good moral character with no criminal record, but this requirement shall be waived for programs which target children in conflict with the law and those who are undergoing or have undergone rehabilitation;   (d) must be admitted to the higher education institution (HEI) or TVI included in the Registry of Programs and Institutions of the applicant’s choice, provided that the applicant shall be allowed to begin processing the application within a reasonable time frame set by the Board to give the applicant sufficient time to enroll;   (e) in the case of technical-vocational education and training or TVET programs, must have passed the TESDA screening/assessment procedure, trade test, or skills competency evaluation; and   (f) in the case of scholarship, the applicant must obtain at least the score required by the Board for the Qualifying Examination System for Scoring Students and must possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by the Board.  The applicant has to declare also if he or she is already a beneficiary of any other student financial assistance, including government StuFAP. However, if at the time of application of the scholarship, grant-in-aid, student loan, or other modalities of StuFAP under this Act, the amount of such other existing grant does not cover the full cost of tertiary education at the HEI or TVI where the applicant has enrolled in, the applicant may still avail of the StuFAPs under this Act for the remaining portion. Recommended:  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS    The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS A massive attack on Google hit millions of Gmail users after receiving an email which instructs the user to click on a document. After that, a very google-like page that will ask for your password and that's where you get infected.Experts warned that if ever you received an email which asks you to click a document, please! DO NOT CLICK IT!This "worm" which arrived in the inboxes of Gmail users in the form of an email from a trusted contact asking users to click on an attached "Google Docs," or GDocs, file. Clicking on the link took them to a real Google security page, where users were asked to give permission for the fake app, posing as GDocs, to have an access to the users' email account.For added menace, this worm also sent itself out to all of the contacts of the affected user Gmail or and others spawning itself hundreds of times any time a single user was hooked on its snare. Do You Need Money For Tuition Fee For The Next School Year? You Need To Watch This Do you need money for your tuition fee to be able to study this coming school year? The Philippine government might be able to help you. All you need to do is to follow these steps:  -Inquire at the state college or university where you want to study.  -Bring Identification forms. If your family is a 4Ps subsidiary, prepare and bring your 4Ps identification card. For families who are not a member of 4Ps, bring your family's proof of income.  -Bring the registration form from your state college or university where you want to study.   Nicholas Tenazas, Deputy executive Director of CHED-UniFAST said that in the program, the state colleges and universities will not collect any tuition fee from the students. The Government will shoulder their tuition fees.  CHED-UniFAST or the Unified Student Financial Assistance For Tertiary Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 10687  which aims to provide quality education to the Filipinos.  What are the qualifications for availing of the modalities of UniFAST?  The applicant for any of the modalities under the UniFAST must meet the following minimum qualifications:  (a) must be a Filipino citizen, but the Board may grant exemptions to foreign students based on reciprocal programs that provide similar benefits to Filipino students, such as student exchange programs, international reciprocal Scholarships, and other mutually beneficial programs;   (b) must be a high school graduate or its equivalent from duly authorized institutions;   (c) must possess good moral character with no criminal record, but this requirement shall be waived for programs which target children in conflict with the law and those who are undergoing or have undergone rehabilitation;   (d) must be admitted to the higher education institution (HEI) or TVI included in the Registry of Programs and Institutions of the applicant’s choice, provided that the applicant shall be allowed to begin processing the application within a reasonable time frame set by the Board to give the applicant sufficient time to enroll;   (e) in the case of technical-vocational education and training or TVET programs, must have passed the TESDA screening/assessment procedure, trade test, or skills competency evaluation; and   (f) in the case of scholarship, the applicant must obtain at least the score required by the Board for the Qualifying Examination System for Scoring Students and must possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by the Board.  The applicant has to declare also if he or she is already a beneficiary of any other student financial assistance, including government StuFAP. However, if at the time of application of the scholarship, grant-in-aid, student loan, or other modalities of StuFAP under this Act, the amount of such other existing grant does not cover the full cost of tertiary education at the HEI or TVI where the applicant has enrolled in, the applicant may still avail of the StuFAPs under this Act for the remaining portion. Recommended:  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS    The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised. LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month. Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS

To help the fishermen, the government is setting up 15 buoys, each of which costs P200,000. It is distributed evenly with a 35-meter rope attached to a cylindrical concrete which serves as an anchor. The buoys are then adorned with palm trees that will attract the fishes like mackerels and other fishes to congregate in the area. The fishermen said that these buoys can help them a lot.
As of now, they never caught what they called the treasure of the area - the pacific bluefin tuna. With the fishermen's description the said fish is extremely humongous that by its weight alone, their equipment breaks even without even moving.
An inspection team of scientists, journalists and fishermen headed to Benham Rise with Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol and they discovered a vast rich fishing ground that would be a sufficient source of food for the country. For example, the yellowfin tuna which is abundant in the area could cost 15,000 each. Divers who examined the bottom of Benham Rise also discovered fine coral formations that can be a good breeding ground for the various species of fishes to allow them to spawn.  Fishermen spend at least 20 hours to get there and spend weeks or even months to make the most of their trip. They are leaving their families behind for the sake of a good catch. Sometimes, they risk their lives due to strong winds and gigantic waves but they have no choice because that is where they earn a living.   To help the fishermen, the government is setting up 15 buoys, each of which costs P200,000. It is distributed evenly with a 35-meter rope attached to a cylindrical concrete which serves as an anchor. The buoys are then adorned with palm trees that will attract the fishes like mackerels and other fishes to congregate in the area. The fishermen said that these buoys can help them a lot. As of now, they never caught what they called the treasure of the area - the pacific bluefin tuna. With the fishermen's description the said fish is extremely humongous that by its weight alone, their equipment breaks even without even moving.   Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol said that he will make a recommendation to President Duterte to declare Benham Rise as an exclusive food production zone, prohibiting any form of oil exploration or similar activities. He said that the real treasure of the area is its worth in food security. Any exploration, according to Piñol may damage it and cause ecological imbalance.    Recommended:   Infidelity can be perceived harmless through the eyes of those who commit it but certainly not for the affected ones, especially the children. It affects them  more than you think. You do it once and it will haunt your family for generations.   There are 7 ways that you are destroying the lives of your kids by committing infidelity:    Your infidelite will be emulated by your kids. Your example is their perception of what is fine and what is right. Children with broken families are most likely to commit infidelity in their adulthood.   They experienced the worst betrayal any human can experience. You cheat your spouse, you cheat your entire household. You inflicted your little children with the worst uncertainty. If you failed their mother/father, what else can stop you from failing them?  They started to panic with the thought that they will be abandoned. It will greatly affect their future.  s they grow up, they tend to push away anyone who shows affection in fear that they will lose them anyway.    You push them to distrust anyone. According to Huffington post, 75% of children with either parents cheated are having abnormal issues on distrusting others.          They will not believe in love anymore.   You are pushing your children to choose sides.   So, if you have a family, you better think millions of times before having an affair. You might be comparing a moment of wrong blissful adventure to the unconditional love that nobody can give, only your spouse and your children.   Recommended:  PSYCHOLOGY:WHAT THOSE HOUSE CLUTTERS TELL ABOUT YOU? We seem to be surrounded by lots of things. Clutters are everywhere and it's everyone's choice whether to de-clutter or not. In our houses, for example,  sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of so much stuff without knowing exactly why we have clutter in the first place? Are we buying too much stuff or we are lacking of enough storage room to keep all of them? Or maybe it tells something interesting about our state of mind?   Noah Mankowski, a Clinical psychologist and an expert in hoarding, says that while there isn’t any solid scientific evidence to prove that the actual site of clutter is significant, there could be some truth to it.                            “That theory is based on a Freudian idea that everything happens for a reason – that there are no mistakes,” says  Ben Buchanan, clinical psychologist from Foundation Psychology Victoria.             “Freudians would say that everything’s got meaning, everything’s got a symbol …They would say that there’s a deep unconscious motivation, usually rooted in childhood, for not being able to let go of something. And there’s some truth in that, but I think people take it a bit far.”     Bridget Fitzgerald, a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, points out that a house that is too-clean  could also mean something.     Whichever school of thought you want to follow, there is no harm in asking yourself what are the clutters in your house may want to tell you.    RECOMMENDED:  BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED,BE AWARE OF THIS  ISRAEL TO HIRE HUNDREDS OF FILIPINOS FOR HOTEL JOBS  MALLS WITH OSSCO AND OTHER GOVERNMENT SERVICES  DOMESTIC ABUSE EXPOSED ON SOCIAL MEDIA  HSW IN KUWAIT: NO SALARY FOR 9 YEARS  DEATH COMPENSATION FOR SAUDI EXPATS  ON JAKATIA PAWA'S EXECUTION: "WE DID EVERYTHING.." -DFA  BELLO ASSURES DECISION ON MORATORIUM MAY COME OUT ANYTIME SOON  SEN. JOEL VILLANUEVA  SUPPORTS DEPLOYMENT BAN ON HSWS IN KUWAIT  AT LEAST 71 OFWS ON DEATH ROW ABROAD  DEPLOYMENT MORATORIUM, NOW! -OFW GROUPS  BE CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT YOUR HSWS  PRESIDENT DUTERTE WILL VISIT UAE AND KSA, HERE'S WHY  MANPOWER AGENCIES AND RECRUITMENT COMPANIES TO BE HIT DIRECTLY BY HSW DEPLOYMENT MORATORIUM IN KUWAIT  UAE TO START IMPLEMENTING 5%VAT STARTING 2018  REMEMBER THIS 7 THINGS IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR HOUSEKEEPING JOB IN JAPAN  KENYA , THE LEAST TOXIC COUNTRY IN THE WORLD; SAUDI ARABIA, MOST TOXIC   "JUNIOR CITIZEN "  BILL TO BENEFIT P Noah Mankowski, a Clinical psychologist and an expert in hoarding, says that while there isn’t any solid scientific evidence to prove that the actual site of clutter is significant, there could be some truth to it. Why OFWs Remain in Neck-deep Debts After Years Of Working Abroad? From beginning to the end, the real life of OFWs are colorful indeed.  To work outside the country, they invest too much, spend a lot. They start making loans for the processing of their needed documents to work abroad.  From application until they can actually leave the country, they spend big sum of money for it.  But after they were being able to finally work abroad, the story did not just end there. More often than not, the big sum of cash  they used to pay the recruitment agency fees cause them to suffer from indebtedness.  They were being charged and burdened with too much fees, which are not even compliant with the law. Because of their eagerness to work overseas, they immerse themselves to high interest loans for the sake of working abroad. The recruitment agencies play a big role why the OFWs are suffering from neck-deep debts. Even some licensed agencies, they freely exploit the vulnerability of the OFWs. Due to their greed to collect more cash from every OFWs that they deploy, it results to making the life of OFWs more miserable by burying them in debts.  The result of high fees collected by the agencies can even last even the OFWs have been deployed abroad. Some employers deduct it to their salaries for a number of months, leaving the OFWs broke when their much awaited salary comes.  But it doesn't end there. Some of these agencies conspire with their counterpart agencies to urge the foreign employers to cut the salary of the poor OFWs in their favor. That is of course, beyond the expectation of the OFWs.   Even before they leave, the promised salary is already computed and allocated. They have already planned how much they are going to send to their family back home. If the employer would cut the amount of the salary they are expecting to receive, the planned remittance will surely suffer, it includes the loans that they promised to be paid immediately on time when they finally work abroad.  There is such a situation that their family in the Philippines carry the burden of paying for these loans made by the OFW. For example. An OFW father that has found a mistress, which is a fellow OFW, who turned his back  to his family  and to his obligations to pay his loans made for the recruitment fees. The result, the poor family back home, aside from not receiving any remittance, they will be the ones who are obliged to pay the loans made by the OFW, adding weight to the emotional burden they already had aside from their daily needs.      Read: Common Money Mistakes Why Ofws remain Broke After Years Of Working Abroad   Source: Bandera/ NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES  NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS  From beginning to the end, the real life of OFWs are colorful indeed. To work outside the country, they invest too much, spend a lot. They start making loans for the processing of their needed documents to work abroad.  NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH). If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission.  Here are the steps on claiming the Employee Compensation for private employees.        Step 1. Prepare the following documents:  Certificate of Employment- stating  the actual duties and responsibilities of the employee at the time of his sickness or accident.  EC Log Book- certified true copy of the page containing the particular sickness or accident that happened to the employee.  Medical Findings- should come from  the attending doctor the hospital where the employee was admitted.     Step 2. Gather the additional documents if the employee is;  1. Got sick: Request your company to provide  pre-employment medical check -up or  Fit-To-Work certification at the time that you first got hired . Also attach Medical Records from your company.  2. In case of accident: Provide an Accident report if the accident happened within the company or work premises. Police report if it happened outside the company premises (i.e. employee's residence etc.)  3 In case of Death:  Bring the Death Certificate, Medical Records and accident report of the employee. If married, bring the Marriage Certificate and the Birth Certificate of his children below 21 years of age.      FINAL ENTRY HERE, LINKS OTHERS   Step 3.  Gather all the requirements together and submit it to the nearest SSS office. Wait for the SSS decision,if approved, you will receive a notice and a cheque from the SSS. If denied, ask for a written denial letter from SSS and file a motion for reconsideration and submit it to the SSS Main office. In case that the motion is  not approved, write a letter of appeal and send it to ECC and wait for their decision.      Contact ECC Office at ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave, Makati, 1209 Metro ManilaPhone:(02) 899 4251 Recommended: NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.   Read more: Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH).  Read more:   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    How to File Employment Compensation for Private Workers If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission. If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission.  Here are the steps on claiming the Employee Compensation for private employees.        Step 1. Prepare the following documents:  Certificate of Employment- stating  the actual duties and responsibilities of the employee at the time of his sickness or accident.  EC Log Book- certified true copy of the page containing the particular sickness or accident that happened to the employee.  Medical Findings- should come from  the attending doctor the hospital where the employee was admitted.     Step 2. Gather the additional documents if the employee is;  1. Got sick: Request your company to provide  pre-employment medical check -up or  Fit-To-Work certification at the time that you first got hired . Also attach Medical Records from your company.  2. In case of accident: Provide an Accident report if the accident happened within the company or work premises. Police report if it happened outside the company premises (i.e. employee's residence etc.)  3 In case of Death:  Bring the Death Certificate, Medical Records and accident report of the employee. If married, bring the Marriage Certificate and the Birth Certificate of his children below 21 years of age.      FINAL ENTRY HERE, LINKS OTHERS   Step 3.  Gather all the requirements together and submit it to the nearest SSS office. Wait for the SSS decision,if approved, you will receive a notice and a cheque from the SSS. If denied, ask for a written denial letter from SSS and file a motion for reconsideration and submit it to the SSS Main office. In case that the motion is  not approved, write a letter of appeal and send it to ECC and wait for their decision.      Contact ECC Office at ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave, Makati, 1209 Metro ManilaPhone:(02) 899 4251 Recommended: NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.   Read more: Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH).  Read more:   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS   Requirements and Fees for Reduced Travel Tax for OFW Dependents What is a travel tax? According to TIEZA ( Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority), it is a levy imposed by the Philippine government on individuals who are leaving the Philippines, as provided for by Presidential Decree (PD) 1183.   A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. For an average Filipino like me, it’s quite pricey. Overseas Filipino Workers, diplomats and airline crew members are exempted from paying travel tax before but now, travel tax for OFWs are included in their air ticket prize and can be refunded later at the refund counter at NAIA.  However, OFW dependents can apply for  standard reduced travel tax. Children or Minors from 2 years and one (1) day to 12th birthday on date of travel.  Accredited Filipino journalist whose travel is in pursuit of journalistic assignment and   those authorized by the President of the Republic of the Philippines for reasons of national interest, are also entitled to avail the reduced travel tax. If you will travel anywhere in the world from the Philippines, you must be aware about the travel tax that you need to settle before your flight.  What is a travel tax? According to TIEZA ( Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority), it is a levy imposed by the Philippine government on individuals who are leaving the Philippines, as provided for by Presidential Decree (PD) 1183.   A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. For an average Filipino like me, it’s quite pricey. Overseas Filipino Workers, diplomats and airline crew members are exempted from paying travel tax before but now, travel tax for OFWs are included in their air ticket prize and can be refunded later at the refund counter at NAIA.  However, OFW dependents can apply for  standard reduced travel tax. Children or Minors from 2 years and one (1) day to 12th birthday on date of travel.  Accredited Filipino journalist whose travel is in pursuit of journalistic assignment and   those authorized by the President of the Republic of the Philippines for reasons of national interest, are also entitled to avail the reduced travel tax.           For privileged reduce travel tax, the legitimate spouse and unmarried children (below 21 years old) of the OFWs are qualified to avail.   How much can you save if you avail of the reduced travel tax?  A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. Paying it in full can be costly. With the reduced travel tax policy, your travel tax has been cut roughly by 50 percent for the standard reduced rate and further lower  for the privileged reduce rate.  How much is the Reduced Travel Tax?  First Class Economy Standard Reduced Rate P1,350.00 P810.00 Privileged Reduced Rate    P400.00 P300.00  Image from TIEZA  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO Infidelity can be perceived harmless through the eyes of those who commit it but certainly not for the affected ones, especially the children. It affects them  more than you think. You do it once and it will haunt your family for generations.  A massive attack on Google hit millions of Gmail users after receiving an email which instructs the user to click on a document. After that, a very google-like page that will ask for your password and that's where you get infected. Experts warned that if ever you received an email which asks you to click a document, please! DO NOT CLICK IT!  This "worm" which arrived in the inboxes of Gmail users in the form of an email from a trusted contact asking users to click on an attached "Google Docs," or GDocs, file. Clicking on the link took them to a real Google security page, where users were asked to give permission for the fake app, posing as GDocs, to have an access to the users' email account.  For added menace, this worm also sent itself out to all of the contacts of the affected user Gmail or and others spawning itself hundreds of times any time a single user was hooked on its snare.  Follow Google Docs  ✔@googledocs We are investigating a phishing email that appears as Google Docs. We encourage you to not click through & report as phishing within Gmail. 4:08 AM - 4 May 2017       4,6234,623 Retweets     2,5192,519 likes It is a common strategy but what puzzled millions of affected users was the sophisticated construction of the malicious link which was so realistic; from the email sender to the link that remarkably looks real. Worms or phishing attacks generally access your personal information like passwords of your bank accounts, social media accounts, and others.  This gmail/docs hack is clever. It's abusing oauth to gain access to accounts. 4:51 AM - 4 May 2017       Retweets     11 like    Follow St George Police @sgcitypubsafety Do you Goole? Or use GMAIL? Watch out for this scam & spread the word (not the virus!) … 4:50 AM - 4 May 2017  Photo published for New Google Docs phishing scam, almost undetectable • r/google New Google Docs phishing scam, almost undetectable • r/google I received a phishing email today, and very nearly fell for it. I'll go through the steps here: 1. I [received an...       22 Retweets     44 likes   View image on Twitter View image on Twitter   Follow CortlandtDailyVoice @CortlandtDV Westchester School Officials Warn Of Gmail Email 'Situation'  4:50 AM - 4 May 2017       11 Retweet     11 like    Follow Shane Gustafson  ✔@Shane_WMBD SCAM ALERT: Gmail accounts across the country have been hacked, several agencies are asking you to be aware. … 4:48 AM - 4 May 2017  Photo published for Gmail Hack Hits Central Illinois Gmail Hack Hits Central Illinois An attack against Gmail accounts across the country also targets several agencies in central Illinois.       66 Retweets     33 likes    Follow Lance @lancewmccarthy Man, gmail's getting hammered today with spam and phishing attacks. 4:49 AM - 4 May 2017       11 Retweet     11 like Within an hour,  a red warning began appearing with the malicious email that says it could be a phishing attack.   View image on Twitter View image on Twitter   Follow Jen Lee Reeves @jenleereeves Be careful, Twitter people with Gmail accounts! Do not click on the "doc share" box. It's a solid attempt at phishing. 4:14 AM - 4 May 2017       44 Retweets     77 likes    However, Google said that they had "disabled" the malicious accounts and pushed updates to all users. They also said that it only affected "fewer than 0.1 percent of Gmail users" still be about 1 million of the service's roughly 1 billion users around the world.  What do you have to do if you experienced similar phishing attacks?        Source: NBC Recommended:  Do You Need Money For Tuition Fee For The Next School Year? You Need To Watch This Do you need money for your tuition fee to be able to study this coming school year? The Philippine government might be able to help you. All you need to do is to follow these steps:  -Inquire at the state college or university where you want to study.  -Bring Identification forms. If your family is a 4Ps subsidiary, prepare and bring your 4Ps identification card. For families who are not a member of 4Ps, bring your family's proof of income.  -Bring the registration form from your state college or university where you want to study.   Nicholas Tenazas, Deputy executive Director of CHED-UniFAST said that in the program, the state colleges and universities will not collect any tuition fee from the students. The Government will shoulder their tuition fees.  CHED-UniFAST or the Unified Student Financial Assistance For Tertiary Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 10687  which aims to provide quality education to the Filipinos.  What are the qualifications for availing of the modalities of UniFAST?  The applicant for any of the modalities under the UniFAST must meet the following minimum qualifications:  (a) must be a Filipino citizen, but the Board may grant exemptions to foreign students based on reciprocal programs that provide similar benefits to Filipino students, such as student exchange programs, international reciprocal Scholarships, and other mutually beneficial programs;   (b) must be a high school graduate or its equivalent from duly authorized institutions;   (c) must possess good moral character with no criminal record, but this requirement shall be waived for programs which target children in conflict with the law and those who are undergoing or have undergone rehabilitation;   (d) must be admitted to the higher education institution (HEI) or TVI included in the Registry of Programs and Institutions of the applicant’s choice, provided that the applicant shall be allowed to begin processing the application within a reasonable time frame set by the Board to give the applicant sufficient time to enroll;   (e) in the case of technical-vocational education and training or TVET programs, must have passed the TESDA screening/assessment procedure, trade test, or skills competency evaluation; and   (f) in the case of scholarship, the applicant must obtain at least the score required by the Board for the Qualifying Examination System for Scoring Students and must possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by the Board.  The applicant has to declare also if he or she is already a beneficiary of any other student financial assistance, including government StuFAP. However, if at the time of application of the scholarship, grant-in-aid, student loan, or other modalities of StuFAP under this Act, the amount of such other existing grant does not cover the full cost of tertiary education at the HEI or TVI where the applicant has enrolled in, the applicant may still avail of the StuFAPs under this Act for the remaining portion. Recommended:  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS    The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS A massive attack on Google hit millions of Gmail users after receiving an email which instructs the user to click on a document. After that, a very google-like page that will ask for your password and that's where you get infected.Experts warned that if ever you received an email which asks you to click a document, please! DO NOT CLICK IT!This "worm" which arrived in the inboxes of Gmail users in the form of an email from a trusted contact asking users to click on an attached "Google Docs," or GDocs, file. Clicking on the link took them to a real Google security page, where users were asked to give permission for the fake app, posing as GDocs, to have an access to the users' email account.For added menace, this worm also sent itself out to all of the contacts of the affected user Gmail or and others spawning itself hundreds of times any time a single user was hooked on its snare. Do You Need Money For Tuition Fee For The Next School Year? You Need To Watch This Do you need money for your tuition fee to be able to study this coming school year? The Philippine government might be able to help you. All you need to do is to follow these steps:  -Inquire at the state college or university where you want to study.  -Bring Identification forms. If your family is a 4Ps subsidiary, prepare and bring your 4Ps identification card. For families who are not a member of 4Ps, bring your family's proof of income.  -Bring the registration form from your state college or university where you want to study.   Nicholas Tenazas, Deputy executive Director of CHED-UniFAST said that in the program, the state colleges and universities will not collect any tuition fee from the students. The Government will shoulder their tuition fees.  CHED-UniFAST or the Unified Student Financial Assistance For Tertiary Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 10687  which aims to provide quality education to the Filipinos.  What are the qualifications for availing of the modalities of UniFAST?  The applicant for any of the modalities under the UniFAST must meet the following minimum qualifications:  (a) must be a Filipino citizen, but the Board may grant exemptions to foreign students based on reciprocal programs that provide similar benefits to Filipino students, such as student exchange programs, international reciprocal Scholarships, and other mutually beneficial programs;   (b) must be a high school graduate or its equivalent from duly authorized institutions;   (c) must possess good moral character with no criminal record, but this requirement shall be waived for programs which target children in conflict with the law and those who are undergoing or have undergone rehabilitation;   (d) must be admitted to the higher education institution (HEI) or TVI included in the Registry of Programs and Institutions of the applicant’s choice, provided that the applicant shall be allowed to begin processing the application within a reasonable time frame set by the Board to give the applicant sufficient time to enroll;   (e) in the case of technical-vocational education and training or TVET programs, must have passed the TESDA screening/assessment procedure, trade test, or skills competency evaluation; and   (f) in the case of scholarship, the applicant must obtain at least the score required by the Board for the Qualifying Examination System for Scoring Students and must possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by the Board.  The applicant has to declare also if he or she is already a beneficiary of any other student financial assistance, including government StuFAP. However, if at the time of application of the scholarship, grant-in-aid, student loan, or other modalities of StuFAP under this Act, the amount of such other existing grant does not cover the full cost of tertiary education at the HEI or TVI where the applicant has enrolled in, the applicant may still avail of the StuFAPs under this Act for the remaining portion. Recommended:  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS    The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised. LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month. Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS
 Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol said that he will make a recommendation to President Duterte to declare Benham Rise as an exclusive food production zone, prohibiting any form of oil exploration or similar activities. He said that the real treasure of the area is its worth in food security. Any exploration, according to Piñol may damage it and cause ecological imbalance. 

Infidelity can be perceived harmless through the eyes of those who commit it but certainly not for the affected ones, especially the children. It affects them  more than you think. You do it once and it will haunt your family for generations.   There are 7 ways that you are destroying the lives of your kids by committing infidelity:    Your infidelite will be emulated by your kids. Your example is their perception of what is fine and what is right. Children with broken families are most likely to commit infidelity in their adulthood.   They experienced the worst betrayal any human can experience. You cheat your spouse, you cheat your entire household. You inflicted your little children with the worst uncertainty. If you failed their mother/father, what else can stop you from failing them?  They started to panic with the thought that they will be abandoned. It will greatly affect their future.  s they grow up, they tend to push away anyone who shows affection in fear that they will lose them anyway.    You push them to distrust anyone. According to Huffington post, 75% of children with either parents cheated are having abnormal issues on distrusting others.          They will not believe in love anymore.   You are pushing your children to choose sides.   So, if you have a family, you better think millions of times before having an affair. You might be comparing a moment of wrong blissful adventure to the unconditional love that nobody can give, only your spouse and your children.   Recommended:  PSYCHOLOGY:WHAT THOSE HOUSE CLUTTERS TELL ABOUT YOU? We seem to be surrounded by lots of things. Clutters are everywhere and it's everyone's choice whether to de-clutter or not. In our houses, for example,  sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of so much stuff without knowing exactly why we have clutter in the first place? Are we buying too much stuff or we are lacking of enough storage room to keep all of them? Or maybe it tells something interesting about our state of mind?   Noah Mankowski, a Clinical psychologist and an expert in hoarding, says that while there isn’t any solid scientific evidence to prove that the actual site of clutter is significant, there could be some truth to it.                            “That theory is based on a Freudian idea that everything happens for a reason – that there are no mistakes,” says  Ben Buchanan, clinical psychologist from Foundation Psychology Victoria.             “Freudians would say that everything’s got meaning, everything’s got a symbol …They would say that there’s a deep unconscious motivation, usually rooted in childhood, for not being able to let go of something. And there’s some truth in that, but I think people take it a bit far.”     Bridget Fitzgerald, a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, points out that a house that is too-clean  could also mean something.     Whichever school of thought you want to follow, there is no harm in asking yourself what are the clutters in your house may want to tell you.    RECOMMENDED:  BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED,BE AWARE OF THIS  ISRAEL TO HIRE HUNDREDS OF FILIPINOS FOR HOTEL JOBS  MALLS WITH OSSCO AND OTHER GOVERNMENT SERVICES  DOMESTIC ABUSE EXPOSED ON SOCIAL MEDIA  HSW IN KUWAIT: NO SALARY FOR 9 YEARS  DEATH COMPENSATION FOR SAUDI EXPATS  ON JAKATIA PAWA'S EXECUTION: "WE DID EVERYTHING.." -DFA  BELLO ASSURES DECISION ON MORATORIUM MAY COME OUT ANYTIME SOON  SEN. JOEL VILLANUEVA  SUPPORTS DEPLOYMENT BAN ON HSWS IN KUWAIT  AT LEAST 71 OFWS ON DEATH ROW ABROAD  DEPLOYMENT MORATORIUM, NOW! -OFW GROUPS  BE CAREFUL HOW YOU TREAT YOUR HSWS  PRESIDENT DUTERTE WILL VISIT UAE AND KSA, HERE'S WHY  MANPOWER AGENCIES AND RECRUITMENT COMPANIES TO BE HIT DIRECTLY BY HSW DEPLOYMENT MORATORIUM IN KUWAIT  UAE TO START IMPLEMENTING 5%VAT STARTING 2018  REMEMBER THIS 7 THINGS IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR HOUSEKEEPING JOB IN JAPAN  KENYA , THE LEAST TOXIC COUNTRY IN THE WORLD; SAUDI ARABIA, MOST TOXIC   "JUNIOR CITIZEN "  BILL TO BENEFIT P Noah Mankowski, a Clinical psychologist and an expert in hoarding, says that while there isn’t any solid scientific evidence to prove that the actual site of clutter is significant, there could be some truth to it. Why OFWs Remain in Neck-deep Debts After Years Of Working Abroad? From beginning to the end, the real life of OFWs are colorful indeed.  To work outside the country, they invest too much, spend a lot. They start making loans for the processing of their needed documents to work abroad.  From application until they can actually leave the country, they spend big sum of money for it.  But after they were being able to finally work abroad, the story did not just end there. More often than not, the big sum of cash  they used to pay the recruitment agency fees cause them to suffer from indebtedness.  They were being charged and burdened with too much fees, which are not even compliant with the law. Because of their eagerness to work overseas, they immerse themselves to high interest loans for the sake of working abroad. The recruitment agencies play a big role why the OFWs are suffering from neck-deep debts. Even some licensed agencies, they freely exploit the vulnerability of the OFWs. Due to their greed to collect more cash from every OFWs that they deploy, it results to making the life of OFWs more miserable by burying them in debts.  The result of high fees collected by the agencies can even last even the OFWs have been deployed abroad. Some employers deduct it to their salaries for a number of months, leaving the OFWs broke when their much awaited salary comes.  But it doesn't end there. Some of these agencies conspire with their counterpart agencies to urge the foreign employers to cut the salary of the poor OFWs in their favor. That is of course, beyond the expectation of the OFWs.   Even before they leave, the promised salary is already computed and allocated. They have already planned how much they are going to send to their family back home. If the employer would cut the amount of the salary they are expecting to receive, the planned remittance will surely suffer, it includes the loans that they promised to be paid immediately on time when they finally work abroad.  There is such a situation that their family in the Philippines carry the burden of paying for these loans made by the OFW. For example. An OFW father that has found a mistress, which is a fellow OFW, who turned his back  to his family  and to his obligations to pay his loans made for the recruitment fees. The result, the poor family back home, aside from not receiving any remittance, they will be the ones who are obliged to pay the loans made by the OFW, adding weight to the emotional burden they already had aside from their daily needs.      Read: Common Money Mistakes Why Ofws remain Broke After Years Of Working Abroad   Source: Bandera/ NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES  NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS  From beginning to the end, the real life of OFWs are colorful indeed. To work outside the country, they invest too much, spend a lot. They start making loans for the processing of their needed documents to work abroad.  NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH). If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission.  Here are the steps on claiming the Employee Compensation for private employees.        Step 1. Prepare the following documents:  Certificate of Employment- stating  the actual duties and responsibilities of the employee at the time of his sickness or accident.  EC Log Book- certified true copy of the page containing the particular sickness or accident that happened to the employee.  Medical Findings- should come from  the attending doctor the hospital where the employee was admitted.     Step 2. Gather the additional documents if the employee is;  1. Got sick: Request your company to provide  pre-employment medical check -up or  Fit-To-Work certification at the time that you first got hired . Also attach Medical Records from your company.  2. In case of accident: Provide an Accident report if the accident happened within the company or work premises. Police report if it happened outside the company premises (i.e. employee's residence etc.)  3 In case of Death:  Bring the Death Certificate, Medical Records and accident report of the employee. If married, bring the Marriage Certificate and the Birth Certificate of his children below 21 years of age.      FINAL ENTRY HERE, LINKS OTHERS   Step 3.  Gather all the requirements together and submit it to the nearest SSS office. Wait for the SSS decision,if approved, you will receive a notice and a cheque from the SSS. If denied, ask for a written denial letter from SSS and file a motion for reconsideration and submit it to the SSS Main office. In case that the motion is  not approved, write a letter of appeal and send it to ECC and wait for their decision.      Contact ECC Office at ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave, Makati, 1209 Metro ManilaPhone:(02) 899 4251 Recommended: NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.   Read more: Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH).  Read more:   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    How to File Employment Compensation for Private Workers If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission. If you know someone who is sick, had an accident  or relatives of an employee who died while on duty, you can help them and their families  by sharing them how to claim their benefits from the government through Employment Compensation Commission.  Here are the steps on claiming the Employee Compensation for private employees.        Step 1. Prepare the following documents:  Certificate of Employment- stating  the actual duties and responsibilities of the employee at the time of his sickness or accident.  EC Log Book- certified true copy of the page containing the particular sickness or accident that happened to the employee.  Medical Findings- should come from  the attending doctor the hospital where the employee was admitted.     Step 2. Gather the additional documents if the employee is;  1. Got sick: Request your company to provide  pre-employment medical check -up or  Fit-To-Work certification at the time that you first got hired . Also attach Medical Records from your company.  2. In case of accident: Provide an Accident report if the accident happened within the company or work premises. Police report if it happened outside the company premises (i.e. employee's residence etc.)  3 In case of Death:  Bring the Death Certificate, Medical Records and accident report of the employee. If married, bring the Marriage Certificate and the Birth Certificate of his children below 21 years of age.      FINAL ENTRY HERE, LINKS OTHERS   Step 3.  Gather all the requirements together and submit it to the nearest SSS office. Wait for the SSS decision,if approved, you will receive a notice and a cheque from the SSS. If denied, ask for a written denial letter from SSS and file a motion for reconsideration and submit it to the SSS Main office. In case that the motion is  not approved, write a letter of appeal and send it to ECC and wait for their decision.      Contact ECC Office at ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave, Makati, 1209 Metro ManilaPhone:(02) 899 4251 Recommended: NATIONAL PORTAL AND NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN TO  SPEED UP INTERNET SERVICES IN THE PHILIPPINES In a Facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country.Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.   Read more: Good news to the Filipinos whose business and livelihood rely on good and fast internet connection such as stocks trading and online marketing. President Rodrigo Duterte  has already approved the establishment of  the National Government Portal and a National Broadband Plan during the 13th Cabinet Meeting in Malacañang today. In a facebook post of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol, he said that after a presentation made by Dept. of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) Secretary Rodolfo Salalima, Pres. Duterte emphasized the need for faster communications in the country. Pres. Duterte earlier said he would like the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) "to develop a national broadband plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optics cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed." As a response to the President's SONA statement, Salalima presented the  DICT's national broadband plan that aims to push for free WiFi access to more areas in the countryside.  The broadband program has been in the work since former President Gloria Arroyo but due to allegations of corruption and illegality, Mrs. Arroyo cancelled the US$329 million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China's ZTE Corp.just 6 months after she signed it in April 2007.  Fast internet connection benefits not only those who are on internet business and online business but even our over 10 million OFWs around the world and their families in the Philippines. When the era of snail mails, voice tapes and telegram  and the internet age started, communications with their loved one back home can be much easier. But with the Philippines being at #43 on the latest internet speed ranks, something is telling us that improvement has to made.                RECOMMENDED  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS    NATIONWIDE SMOKING BAN SIGNED BY PRESIDENT DUTERTE In January, Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial said that President Duterte had asked her to draft the executive order similar to what had been implemented in Davao City when he was a mayor, it is the "100% smoke-free environment in public places."Today, a text message from Sec. Manny Piñol to ABS-CBN News confirmed that President Duterte will sign an Executive Order to ban smoking in public places as drafted by the Department of Health (DOH).  Read more:   EMIRATES ID CAN NOW BE USED AS HEALTH INSURANCE CARD  TODAY'S NEWS THAT WILL REVIVE YOUR TRUST TO THE PHIL GOVERNMENT  BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!  RELOCATING NAIA  THE HORROR AND TERROR OF BEING A HOUSEMAID IN SAUDI ARABIA  DUTERTE WARNING  NEW BAGGAGE RULES FOR DUBAI AIRPORT    HUGE FISH SIGHTINGS   Requirements and Fees for Reduced Travel Tax for OFW Dependents What is a travel tax? According to TIEZA ( Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority), it is a levy imposed by the Philippine government on individuals who are leaving the Philippines, as provided for by Presidential Decree (PD) 1183.   A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. For an average Filipino like me, it’s quite pricey. Overseas Filipino Workers, diplomats and airline crew members are exempted from paying travel tax before but now, travel tax for OFWs are included in their air ticket prize and can be refunded later at the refund counter at NAIA.  However, OFW dependents can apply for  standard reduced travel tax. Children or Minors from 2 years and one (1) day to 12th birthday on date of travel.  Accredited Filipino journalist whose travel is in pursuit of journalistic assignment and   those authorized by the President of the Republic of the Philippines for reasons of national interest, are also entitled to avail the reduced travel tax. If you will travel anywhere in the world from the Philippines, you must be aware about the travel tax that you need to settle before your flight.  What is a travel tax? According to TIEZA ( Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority), it is a levy imposed by the Philippine government on individuals who are leaving the Philippines, as provided for by Presidential Decree (PD) 1183.   A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. For an average Filipino like me, it’s quite pricey. Overseas Filipino Workers, diplomats and airline crew members are exempted from paying travel tax before but now, travel tax for OFWs are included in their air ticket prize and can be refunded later at the refund counter at NAIA.  However, OFW dependents can apply for  standard reduced travel tax. Children or Minors from 2 years and one (1) day to 12th birthday on date of travel.  Accredited Filipino journalist whose travel is in pursuit of journalistic assignment and   those authorized by the President of the Republic of the Philippines for reasons of national interest, are also entitled to avail the reduced travel tax.           For privileged reduce travel tax, the legitimate spouse and unmarried children (below 21 years old) of the OFWs are qualified to avail.   How much can you save if you avail of the reduced travel tax?  A full travel tax for first class passenger is PhP2,700.00 and PhP1,620.00 for economy class. Paying it in full can be costly. With the reduced travel tax policy, your travel tax has been cut roughly by 50 percent for the standard reduced rate and further lower  for the privileged reduce rate.  How much is the Reduced Travel Tax?  First Class Economy Standard Reduced Rate P1,350.00 P810.00 Privileged Reduced Rate    P400.00 P300.00  Image from TIEZA  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO
A massive attack on Google hit millions of Gmail users after receiving an email which instructs the user to click on a document. After that, a very google-like page that will ask for your password and that's where you get infected. Experts warned that if ever you received an email which asks you to click a document, please! DO NOT CLICK IT!  This "worm" which arrived in the inboxes of Gmail users in the form of an email from a trusted contact asking users to click on an attached "Google Docs," or GDocs, file. Clicking on the link took them to a real Google security page, where users were asked to give permission for the fake app, posing as GDocs, to have an access to the users' email account.  For added menace, this worm also sent itself out to all of the contacts of the affected user Gmail or and others spawning itself hundreds of times any time a single user was hooked on its snare.  Follow Google Docs  ✔@googledocs We are investigating a phishing email that appears as Google Docs. We encourage you to not click through & report as phishing within Gmail. 4:08 AM - 4 May 2017       4,6234,623 Retweets     2,5192,519 likes It is a common strategy but what puzzled millions of affected users was the sophisticated construction of the malicious link which was so realistic; from the email sender to the link that remarkably looks real. Worms or phishing attacks generally access your personal information like passwords of your bank accounts, social media accounts, and others.  This gmail/docs hack is clever. It's abusing oauth to gain access to accounts. 4:51 AM - 4 May 2017       Retweets     11 like    Follow St George Police @sgcitypubsafety Do you Goole? Or use GMAIL? Watch out for this scam & spread the word (not the virus!) … 4:50 AM - 4 May 2017  Photo published for New Google Docs phishing scam, almost undetectable • r/google New Google Docs phishing scam, almost undetectable • r/google I received a phishing email today, and very nearly fell for it. I'll go through the steps here: 1. I [received an...       22 Retweets     44 likes   View image on Twitter View image on Twitter   Follow CortlandtDailyVoice @CortlandtDV Westchester School Officials Warn Of Gmail Email 'Situation'  4:50 AM - 4 May 2017       11 Retweet     11 like    Follow Shane Gustafson  ✔@Shane_WMBD SCAM ALERT: Gmail accounts across the country have been hacked, several agencies are asking you to be aware. … 4:48 AM - 4 May 2017  Photo published for Gmail Hack Hits Central Illinois Gmail Hack Hits Central Illinois An attack against Gmail accounts across the country also targets several agencies in central Illinois.       66 Retweets     33 likes    Follow Lance @lancewmccarthy Man, gmail's getting hammered today with spam and phishing attacks. 4:49 AM - 4 May 2017       11 Retweet     11 like Within an hour,  a red warning began appearing with the malicious email that says it could be a phishing attack.   View image on Twitter View image on Twitter   Follow Jen Lee Reeves @jenleereeves Be careful, Twitter people with Gmail accounts! Do not click on the "doc share" box. It's a solid attempt at phishing. 4:14 AM - 4 May 2017       44 Retweets     77 likes    However, Google said that they had "disabled" the malicious accounts and pushed updates to all users. They also said that it only affected "fewer than 0.1 percent of Gmail users" still be about 1 million of the service's roughly 1 billion users around the world.  What do you have to do if you experienced similar phishing attacks?        Source: NBC Recommended:  Do You Need Money For Tuition Fee For The Next School Year? You Need To Watch This Do you need money for your tuition fee to be able to study this coming school year? The Philippine government might be able to help you. All you need to do is to follow these steps:  -Inquire at the state college or university where you want to study.  -Bring Identification forms. If your family is a 4Ps subsidiary, prepare and bring your 4Ps identification card. For families who are not a member of 4Ps, bring your family's proof of income.  -Bring the registration form from your state college or university where you want to study.   Nicholas Tenazas, Deputy executive Director of CHED-UniFAST said that in the program, the state colleges and universities will not collect any tuition fee from the students. The Government will shoulder their tuition fees.  CHED-UniFAST or the Unified Student Financial Assistance For Tertiary Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 10687  which aims to provide quality education to the Filipinos.  What are the qualifications for availing of the modalities of UniFAST?  The applicant for any of the modalities under the UniFAST must meet the following minimum qualifications:  (a) must be a Filipino citizen, but the Board may grant exemptions to foreign students based on reciprocal programs that provide similar benefits to Filipino students, such as student exchange programs, international reciprocal Scholarships, and other mutually beneficial programs;   (b) must be a high school graduate or its equivalent from duly authorized institutions;   (c) must possess good moral character with no criminal record, but this requirement shall be waived for programs which target children in conflict with the law and those who are undergoing or have undergone rehabilitation;   (d) must be admitted to the higher education institution (HEI) or TVI included in the Registry of Programs and Institutions of the applicant’s choice, provided that the applicant shall be allowed to begin processing the application within a reasonable time frame set by the Board to give the applicant sufficient time to enroll;   (e) in the case of technical-vocational education and training or TVET programs, must have passed the TESDA screening/assessment procedure, trade test, or skills competency evaluation; and   (f) in the case of scholarship, the applicant must obtain at least the score required by the Board for the Qualifying Examination System for Scoring Students and must possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by the Board.  The applicant has to declare also if he or she is already a beneficiary of any other student financial assistance, including government StuFAP. However, if at the time of application of the scholarship, grant-in-aid, student loan, or other modalities of StuFAP under this Act, the amount of such other existing grant does not cover the full cost of tertiary education at the HEI or TVI where the applicant has enrolled in, the applicant may still avail of the StuFAPs under this Act for the remaining portion. Recommended:  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS    The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.  Meanwhile, the LTO Chief has uttered support to the program of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which is the establishment of the Driver's Academy which will begin this month  Public Utility Drivers will be required to attend the one to two days classes. At the academy, they will learn the traffic rules and regulations, LTFRB policies, and they will also be taught on how to avoid road rage. Grab and Uber drivers will also be required to undergo the same training.  LTFRB board member Aileen Lizada said that they will conduct an exam after the training and if the drivers passed, they will be given an ID Card.  The list of the passers will be then listed to their database. The operators will be able to check the status of the drivers they are hiring. Recommended:    Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.   Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS Starting this August, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will possibly release the driver's license with validity of 5 years as President Duterte earlier promised.  LTO Chief Ed Galvante said, LTO started the renewal of driver's license with a validity of 5 years since last year but due to the delay of the supply of the plastic cards, they are only able to issue receipts. The LTO is optimistic that the plastic cards will be available on the said month.     Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS  The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include: Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against? Transfer to other employer   An employer can grant a written permission to his employees to work with another employer for a period of six months, renewable for a similar period.  Part time jobs are now allowed   Employees can take up part time job with another employer, with a written approval from his original employer, the Ministry of Interior said yesterday.   Staying out of Country, still can come back?  Expatriates staying out of the country for more than six months can re-enter the country with a “return visa”, within a year, if they hold a Qatari residency permit (RP) and after paying the fine.    Newborn RP possible A newborn baby can get residency permit within 90 days from the date of birth or the date of entering the country, if the parents hold a valid Qatari RP.  No medical check up Anyone who enters the country on a visit visa or for other purposes are not required to undergo the mandatory medical check-up if they stay for a period not more than 30 days. Foreigners are not allowed to stay in the country after expiry of their visa if not renewed.   E gates for all  Expatriates living in Qatar can leave and enter the country using their Qatari IDs through the e-gates.  Exit Permit Grievances Committee According to Law No 21 of 2015 regulating entry, exit and residency of expatriates, which was enforced on December 13, last year, expatriate worker can leave the country immediately after his employer inform the competent authorities about his consent for exit. In case the employer objected, the employee can lodge a complaint with the Exit Permit Grievances Committee which will take a decision within three working days.  Change job before or after contract , complete freedom  Expatriate worker can change his job before the end of his work contract with or without the consent of his employer, if the contract period ended or after five years if the contract is open ended. With approval from the competent authority, the worker also can change his job if the employer died or the company vanished for any reason.   Three months for RP process  The employer must process the RP of his employees within 90 days from the date of his entry to the country.  Expat must leave within 90 days of visa expiry The employer must return the travel document (passport) to the employee after finishing the RP formalities unless the employee makes a written request to keep it with the employer. The employer must report to the authorities concerned within 24 hours if the worker left his job, refused to leave the country after cancellation of his RP, passed three months since its expiry or his visit visa ended.  If the visa or residency permit becomes invalid the expat needs to leave the country within 90 days from the date of its expiry. The expat must not violate terms and the purpose for which he/she has been granted the residency permit and should not work with another employer without permission of his original employer. In case of a dispute the Interior Minister or his representative has the right to allow an expatriate worker to work with another employer temporarily with approval from the Ministry of Administrative Development,Labour and Social Affairs. Recommended:      The Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Program (BMBE) or Republic Act No. 9178 of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) started way back 2002 which aims to help people to start their small business by providing them incentives and other benefits.  If you have a small business that belongs to manufacturing, production, processing, trading and services with assets not exceeding P3 million you can benefit from BMBE Program of the government.  Benefits include:  Income tax exemption from income arising from the operations of the enterprise;   Exemption from the coverage of the Minimum Wage Law (BMBE 1) 2) 3) 2 employees will still receive the same social security and health care benefits as other employees);   Priority to a special credit window set up specifically for the financing requirements of BMBEs; and  Technology transfer, production and management training, and marketing assistance programs for BMBE beneficiaries.  Gina Lopez Confirmation as DENR Secretary Rejected; Who Voted For Her and Who Voted Against?   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS   ©2017 THOUGHTSKOTO SEARCH JBSOLIS
A massive attack on Google hit millions of Gmail users after receiving an email which instructs the user to click on a document. After that, a very google-like page that will ask for your password and that's where you get infected.Experts warned that if ever you received an email which asks you to click a document, please! DO NOT CLICK IT!This "worm" which arrived in the inboxes of Gmail users in the form of an email from a trusted contact asking users to click on an attached "Google Docs," or GDocs, file. Clicking on the link took them to a real Google security page, where users were asked to give permission for the fake app, posing as GDocs, to have an access to the users' email account.For added menace, this worm also sent itself out to all of the contacts of the affected user Gmail or and others spawning itself hundreds of times any time a single user was hooked on its snare.