An inspection team of scientists, journalists and fishermen headed to Benham Rise with Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol and they discovered a vast rich fishing ground that would be a sufficient source of food for the country. For example, the yellowfin tuna which is abundant in the area could cost P15,000 each. Divers who examined the bottom of Benham Rise also discovered fine coral formations that can be a good breeding ground for the various species of fishes to allow them to spawn.
Fishermen spend at least 20 hours to get there and spend weeks or even months to make the most of their trip. They are leaving their families behind for the sake of a good catch. Sometimes, they risk their lives due to strong winds and gigantic waves but they have no choice because that is where they earn a living.
Fishermen spend at least 20 hours to get there and spend weeks or even months to make the most of their trip. They are leaving their families behind for the sake of a good catch. Sometimes, they risk their lives due to strong winds and gigantic waves but they have no choice because that is where they earn a living.
To help the fishermen, the government is setting up 15 buoys, each of which costs P200,000. It is distributed evenly with a 35-meter rope attached to a cylindrical concrete which serves as an anchor. The buoys are then adorned with palm trees that will attract the fishes like mackerels and other fishes to congregate in the area. The fishermen said that these buoys can help them a lot.
As of now, they never caught what they called the treasure of the area - the pacific bluefin tuna. With the fishermen's description the said fish is extremely humongous that by its weight alone, their equipment breaks even without even moving.
Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol said that he will make a recommendation to President Duterte to declare Benham Rise as an exclusive food production zone, prohibiting any form of oil exploration or similar activities. He said that the real treasure of the area is its worth in food security. Any exploration, according to Piñol may damage it and cause ecological imbalance.
As of now, they never caught what they called the treasure of the area - the pacific bluefin tuna. With the fishermen's description the said fish is extremely humongous that by its weight alone, their equipment breaks even without even moving.
Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol said that he will make a recommendation to President Duterte to declare Benham Rise as an exclusive food production zone, prohibiting any form of oil exploration or similar activities. He said that the real treasure of the area is its worth in food security. Any exploration, according to Piñol may damage it and cause ecological imbalance.