An intrusion of a "mysterious creature" believed to be a popular Filipino folklore creature "aswang" in a house where a pregnant woman lives has caused panic among the residents of Brgy. Himamaog, Tagana-an, Surigao del Norte.
In a report, residents narrate that a pregnant woman in barangay Himamaog said that something or someone dark with red glaring eyes suddenly entered their house while they were sleeping. The "thing' smells foul and fishy. The unidentified creature immediately left when they woke up and left everyone unharmed.
In a report, residents narrate that a pregnant woman in barangay Himamaog said that something or someone dark with red glaring eyes suddenly entered their house while they were sleeping. The "thing' smells foul and fishy. The unidentified creature immediately left when they woke up and left everyone unharmed.
However, the barangay chairman said that there is no such creature in the area and it may be most likely thieves and it's just the way they are using to victimized the residents.
The police are going to conduct an investigation regarding this matter
On February this year, another alleged "aswang" attack has been reported by RMN Ilo-ilo on their social media page with pictures showing the ravages caused by the said creature.
They allegedly saw a man with red glaring eyes attacking the chickens. A total of 7 chickens were brutally torn apart by the creature.
They allegedly saw a man with red glaring eyes attacking the chickens. A total of 7 chickens were brutally torn apart by the creature.
A lot of similar stories are circulating in different parts of the country since time immemorial but the truth about "aswang" is yet to be proven whether it is true or myth. In this modern age, people only believe what they see with their own eyes or what is actually caught on a video. The existence of these creatures will remain a mystery until enough proof of its existence comes out.