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Sunday, April 08, 2018

75,242 Teachers To be Hired by DepEd This School Year

The Department of Education (DepEd) will be hiring 75,242 new teachers for kindergarten up to senior high school this coming school year and the budget is already approved by the DBM allocating 553. 31 billion.

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The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) already approved the funds for the purpose of increasing the number of public school enrollees and to reduce the class size or the number of classroom/pupil ratio. 

"We would want to erase the usual notion that in a class, there are 50, 60 or 70 kids under a single teacher," said Education Secretary Leonor Briones.
According to DepEd 40,642 teachers are needed for kindergarten and elementary, 34,244 for junior high school, and 356 for senior high school.

The salary and benefits of the new teachers are expected to reach  P23,000.
Alliance of Concerned Teachers lauds the initiative but they said that DepEd should also consider salary increase for teachers and hiring of non-teaching personnel.
"Our clamor is to [raise] the entry-levelsaid [to] P30,000," ani Cristina Manalo,President of Philippine Public School Teachers Association-NCR.

 DepEd worries about sudden transfers of teachers from  private to public schools.

"Private schools are considered partners, they are our partners in the delivery of quality basic education," said Education Undersecretary Tonisito Umali.

The DepEd is presently  in the hiring process.
e Department of Education (DepEd) will be hiring 75,242 new teachers for kindergarten up to senior high school this coming school year and the budget is already approved by the DBM.  Advertisement        Sponsored Links      The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) already approved the funds for the purpose of increasing the number of public school enrollees and to reduce the class size or the number of classroom/pupil ratio.    "We would want to erase the usual notion that in a class, there are 50, 60 or 70 kids under a single teacher," said Education Secretary Leonor Briones.  According to DepEd 40,642 teachers are needed for kindergarten and elementary, 34,244 for junior high school, and 356 for senior high school.  The salary and benefits of the new teachers are expected to reach  P23,000. Alliance of Concerned Teachers lauds the initiative but they said that DepEd should also consider salary increase for teachers and hiring of non-teaching personnel.  "Our clamor is to [raise] the entry-levelsaid [to] P30,000," ani Cristina Manalo,President of Philippine Public School Teachers Association-NCR.   DepEd worries about sudden transfers of teachers from  private to public schools.   "Private schools are considered partners, they are our partners in the delivery of quality basic education," said Education Undersecretary Tonisito Umali.  The DepEd is presently  in the hiring process.     Read More:  Classic Room Mates You Probably Living With    Remittance Fees To Be Imposed On Kuwait Expats Expected To Bring $230 Million Income    TESDA Provides Training For Returning OFWs  Look! Hut Built For NPA Surrenderees  Cash Aid To Be Given To Displaced OFWs From Kuwait—OWWA    Skilled Workers In The UAE Can Now Have Maximum Of Two Part-time Jobs    Former OFW In Dubai Now Earning P25K A Week From Her Business    Top Search Engines In The Philippines For Finding Jobs Abroad    5 Signs A Person Is Going To Be Poor And 5 Signs You Are Going To Be Rich    ©2018 THOUGHTSKOTO