This article is filed under: Small Cottage Designs, Small Home Design, Small House Design Plans, Small House Design Inside, Small House Architecture
This article is filed under: Small Cottage Designs, Small Home Design, Small House Design Plans, Small House Design Inside, Small House Architecture
Bungalows remain a one of the most favorite house design nationwide, it also reflects how we live today in modern time. Bungalows generally have a solid, compact, horizontal look, and often with low roofs.
The decision to build your own house is one of the most important decisions of any person’s life. Living in a bungalow is many people’s ideal because they are typically square in a plan or deeper than they are wide, making them perfect for small lots.
These 50 photos of Bungalows below are great for helping you figure out what you want.
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This article is filed under: Small Cottage Designs, Small Home Design, Small House Design Plans, Small House Design Inside, Small House Architecture