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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Employers Must Have SR35K in Bank Before They Can Recruit a House Helper

For many people in Saudi Arabia, hiring house helper nowadays is no longer affordable. This is due to high recruitment costs and difficult visa conditions.


The following are conditions lay down by recruitment agencies to employers in Saudi;  Employer applying for a visa to recruit a housemaid should have a bank balance of SR35,000 Employer who wants to recruit a second maid should have either a monthly salary of SR6,000 or bank balance of SR60,000 Only employer with a monthly salary of SR9,000 or bank balance of SR90,000 can apply for the third visa for their third maid For an employer to get a fourth visa, the employer's monthly salary should be SR22,000 or should have a bank balance of SR180,000.
For many people in Saudi Arabia, hiring house helper nowadays is no longer affordable. This is due to high recruitment costs and difficult visa conditions.

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The following are conditions lay down by recruitment agencies to employers in Saudi;
  • Employer applying for a visa to recruit a housemaid should have a bank balance of SR35,000
  • Employer who wants to recruit a second maid should have either a monthly salary of SR6,000 or bank balance of SR60,000
  • Only employer with a monthly salary of SR9,000 or bank balance of SR90,000 can apply for the third visa for their third maid
  • For an employer to get a fourth visa, the employer's monthly salary should be SR22,000 or should have a bank balance of SR180,000.
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With this new regulation, many low and middle-income Saudis believe that hiring house helper is no longer affordable. Applicants for household help in Saudi Arabia are also affected by the regulation due to long delays in the processing of their visa applications.

Saudis are now calling the attention of Ministry of Labor and Social Development to enact citizen-friendly regulations because many people cannot fulfill the condition.

Saudi Arabia is hiring thousands of house helper every year from different countries around the world such as India, Pakistan, Egypt, Yemen, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Sri Lanka among others.

Among who complains about the new regulations are the widows, divorcees, the elderly and handicapped who needs a housemaid but cannot afford the recruitment costs and the difficult visa conditions.


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