Since the popularity of vapes or e-cigarettes, many people use it as an alternative to cigarettes. Being believed to be less hazardous to health than smoking tobacco which contains nicotine, vape has become more prolific and used even by minors. Vape shops and stores swarm everywhere without a concrete safety guarantee. The juice used for vape provides its dense liberal smoke. Aside from the questionable chemicals used in vaping, the device itself shows hazard issues. Some of these vapes reportedly explode while in use.
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A 17-year-old kid suffered from broken dentures, wounded eyes and inflamed mouth when the vape he was using exploded on his face.
Grace Sardea, the mother, rushed her son to the emergency room of East Avenue Medical Center. Grace cried when she saw her son hurt.
It was Monday when his son Jeffrey bought a second-hand vape device. He managed to use it properly for a few days until its battery wears off.
He went online to swap the item to another person. During meet-up and testing, the vape exploded unexpectedly and created severe damage on Jeffrey's face.
Grace suspected that the battery was not compatible with her son's vape.
Grace wants to call the attention of the person who made a swap deal with her son which apparently caused the accident. She wanted to hold him responsible for what has happened to Jeffrey who is still at the hospital for observation and recovery.
Grace Sardea, the mother, rushed her son to the emergency room of East Avenue Medical Center. Grace cried when she saw her son hurt.
It was Monday when his son Jeffrey bought a second-hand vape device. He managed to use it properly for a few days until its battery wears off.
He went online to swap the item to another person. During meet-up and testing, the vape exploded unexpectedly and created severe damage on Jeffrey's face.
Grace suspected that the battery was not compatible with her son's vape.
Grace wants to call the attention of the person who made a swap deal with her son which apparently caused the accident. She wanted to hold him responsible for what has happened to Jeffrey who is still at the hospital for observation and recovery.
It is not only the danger that the vaping device might explode while in use, but it also has other possible health risks.
Along with nicotine which found in cigarette sticks, vaping liquids contain additives such as propylene glycol and glycerol. These are toxic chemicals that have been linked to cancer, respiratory disease, and heart disease. Scientists have found that diacetyl, a chemical used to flavor some vape juice, may cause a condition called “popcorn lung,” the scarring and obstruction of the lungs’ smallest airways.
A study published in the journal Pediatrics in March also found significantly high levels of five carcinogenic compounds in the urine of teenagers who vape. Hence, cancer is one of the clear vaping health risks for teens. And researchers are only beginning to discover how vaping affects physical health over the long term.
Filed under the category of vapes, hazardous to health, nicotine, questionable chemicals used in vaping,
Filed under the category of vapes, hazardous to health, nicotine, questionable chemicals used in vaping,