Working as overseas Filipino workers (OFW) does not only mean that we are working abroad to earn more than we could make in the Philippines but it also includes subjecting ourselves under the laws and regulations of our host countries. There are particular laws that are more strict in other countries compared to our home country and we should be more cautious about doing things that we can openly do in the Philippines. For instance, in Hong Kong, posting obscene selfies and videos is considered a crime.
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In Hong Kong, posting obscene and indecent photos or videos in social media is a crime. The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) in Hong Kong fervently reminds OFWs in this area to refrain from doing such things. Doing so will cost you HKD 1 Million in fine and up to three years in jail under the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (COIAO) of Hong Kong.
Saret said the PCG also released the public advisory after pictures of near-nude Filipino women who reportedly joined a beauty contest spread online recently.
The organizer of the beauty contest accordingly issued a public apology for the people she has put in a shameful situation with a promise that it will never happen again.
The PCG noted that posting obscene materials online is punishable under the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (COIAO) of Hong Kong.
According to the ordinance, “a thing is obscene if by reason of obscenity it is not suitable to be published to any person; and a thing is indecent if by reason of indecency it is not suitable to be published to a juvenile.”
It added that obscenity and indecency include “violence, depravity, and repulsiveness.”
Filed under the category of overseas Filipino workers, OFW, Hong Kong, Philippines, obscene, selfies, crime