Before he left for New Delhi for the ASEAN-India Special Commemorative Summit, Duterte , in his pre-departure speech said the appeal for humane treatment for Filipinos working in the Middle East , Kuwait in particular.

Duterte's statement was applauded by those present in the event.
Duterte also reiterated that he doesn't want any quarrel with Kuwait or other Middle Eastern countries but he can't afford to hear another report of abuse, if he does, he will impose total deployment ban.
Duterte also said that if he cannot do anything about it, he "cannot stay in his post a minute longer."

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There is an estimated 260,000 Filipino workers in Kuwait, 170,000 of them are working as household service workers (HSWs), the most vulnerable and prone to abuses among OFWs.
Last week, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Secretary Silvestre Bello III suspended the issuance of OEC for newly hired OFWs to Kuwait pending investigation on the deaths of seven Filipino workers there.
Sami Abdulaiz Al Hamad, Assistant Foreign Minister for Consulate Affairs Ambassador, has met with Philippine Ambassador to Kuwait Renato Pedro Villa Jr. to request for the lifting of the suspension.
Source: GMA
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