Saudi Arabia has imposed limits on the number of prepaid SIM cards registered for citizens and foreigners, restrictions that the regulator said aim to prevent the use of cards in carrying out militant attacks in the kingdom.
This move also comes after a massive nationwide campaign of sim card verification by linking each sim card to the fingerprint of its owner.
Millions of foreign residents, including the hundreds of thousands of OFWs, are now limited to two prepaid SIM cards across all operators. The limit applies to both voice (call) and data (internet) lines in a country where a majority of expats rely on data SIMs for Internet. Saudis are restricted to a more generous amount of 10 prepaid SIM cards.
Expats who have more than two sim cards which are already verified, will not be affected and will be allowed to keep their existing sim cards. They will not however be able to buy and register a new sim card in their name, until the authorities lift the limits.
Expats who have more than two sim cards which are already verified, will not be affected and will be allowed to keep their existing sim cards. They will not however be able to buy and register a new sim card in their name, until the authorities lift the limits.
“This is considered a temporary procedure to correct and remedy the large number of illegal SIM cards in the market,” the Communications and Information Technology Commission, Saudi Arabia’s telecommunications regulator, said in a statement.
"Illegal SIM cards have been used to carry out terrorist operations and other acts harmful to national security." they further said.
The move is likely to hit telecom firms which are already going through a tough time.
Shares in Mobily and Zain have went down. The kingdom's largets network, Saudi Telecom Company slashed a portion of its profits.
The move will also likely raise the ire of consumers since it is the latest in a string of decisions in which consumers have been forced to wait in long lines just to verify their information and submit their fingerprint.
A few months back, mobile service providers have also scaled-back their unlimited internet plans, thereby raising internet costs to consumers. This happened even as increasing number of data-sim users are complaining of slow internet speeds due to network congestion.
source: Bloomberg, Arabian Business
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