"Manny Pacquiao has been banned from the popular L.A. shopping center The Grove -- again -- all because of his "statements of hatred" against gay people .TMZ Sports has learned."
The Grove mall is one of the famous shopping destination in LA. Check out the video of the Grove Mall here.
Pacquiao went to the mall to see a movie with his group. They decided to visit the mall since it is located 10 minutes away from his gym.
His visit however did not please Rick Caruso who is the owner of the mall due to his anti-gay comments. Due to it, he was told he is no longer welcome to visit the mall.
Pacquiao went to the mall to see a movie with his group. They decided to visit the mall since it is located 10 minutes away from his gym.
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"Pacquiao recently went to The Grove with a 16-person group to see a movie -- which is located 10 minutes away from his gym, according to FOX Sports.
However, his appearance did not go over well with the mall's owner, Rick Caruso, who said he does not want Pacquiao to return due to Pacquiao's recent anti-gay comments."