The Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in Kuwait has resumed accepting applications for domestic workers or those who are being issued visa 20 in Kuwait starting June 4 but with an additional requirement for the employers. They must submit a proof of capacity to pay the salary of the household service worker.
The ban on the deployment of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) was lifted after the Kuwaiti government agrees with the conditions set by the Philippine government through a memorandum of understanding signed by both countries assuring the welfare and safety of the OFWs deployed in the Gulf State.
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Lomondot said they already received from the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) in Manila the guidelines on the resumption of the deployment of domestic workers to the Gulf State following the implementation of Administrative Order 254-a signed by Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III which officially lifted the deployment ban on domestic helpers to Kuwait.
The POEA guidelines are in accordance with the agreement on employment of domestic workers signed by the two countries on May 11, 2018. According to the guideline, a household service worker applicant should pass training from a POEA-accredited institution and should undergo orientation on the law, customs, and traditions of Kuwait.
One new and important addition to the guidelines is the capacity of the employer to pay the proper amount of compensation.
He added that the Philippine Recruitment Agencies (PRA) were directed to adhere to the POEA guidelines and help the government in its implementation.
The Philippine Embassy in Kuwait also expects more personnel to efficiently assist all 260,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in the State of Kuwait wherein around 150,000 of the said number work as household service workers.
Meanwhile, Lomondot conveyed the Kuwaiti government’s appreciation of the positive developments in its labor cooperation and diplomatic relations with the Philippines.
The Philippine Embassy and Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs are constantly holding joint meetings to further discuss the provisions and the implementation of the signed memorandum of understanding.