Japan is one of the countries many Filipinos yearn to work for. The country is also looking for many Filipino workers every month. But before getting excited, make sure you are dealing with a licensed recruitment agency so that you won't be a victim of human trafficking or illegal recruitment.
For those who want to learn and earn in Japan as technical inter trainee, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) listed 188 Licensed Recruitment Agencies as qualified sending organization for Japan Technical Intern Training Program (TITP).
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What is TITP?
This is an initiative that provides training for a specific period in industrial society to both youth and adult workers from all countries.
The purpose of this program is to transfer Skills to Technical Intern Trainees who will form a basis of economic development in their respective countries and play an important role in Japan's international cooperation and contribution.
Here is the list of 188 Licensed Recruitment Agencies qualified as Sending Organization for Japan's TITP.
1. 2000 Miles Placement Agency, Inc.
2. 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc.
3. 7107 Islands Placement & Promotions Inc.
4. A. Kanan Manpower Corporation
5. Abba Personnel Services Inc.
6. ABC Global Employment & Manpower Services Inc.
7. ABD Overseas Manpower Corp.
8. Ace Globe Mgt & Consultancy Services Corp.
9. Achieve Universal International Recruitment Services Inc.
10. Advance Productions Inc.
11. Agility International Manpower Solution (AIMS) Inc.
12. Alizabeth Recruitment Incorporated
13. All Seasons Manpower International Services, Incorporated
14. Alpha Manpowerlink Agency Co.
15. Alpha Tomo (P) Intl Manpower Services Inc.
16. AMCAAJ International Recruitment Agency Inc.
17. Andrews Manpower Consulting Inc.
18. Aqium International Inc.
19. Aquavir Internation
26. Benchstone Enterprises Inc.
27. Bison Management Corporation
28. Building Better Lives Manpower Services International Inc.
29. CDK International Manpower Services Corp.
30. Chariot Labor Asia Manpower Services
31. Chartreuse Prime Recruitment Specialists, Inc.
32. City Employment Center Inc.
33. Cleopatra International Placement Agency Inc.
34. Concorde International Human Resource Corporation
35. Connectional Overseas Employment Agency
36. Coreteam Manpower Services Inc.
37. CPL Masters Recruitment Agency Inc.
38. CPM Manpower Services Inc.
39. Desertwealth Int’l Services Corp.
40. Diamond Overseas Manpower Enterprises
41. Doha Energy International Manpower Services Co.
42. Earthsmart Human Resource Philippines Inc.
43. EDI Staffbuilders International Inc.
44. Empire International Human Resources Inc.
45. Energy Manpower Services Inc
46. ERRX Recruitment Consulting
47. Everlast International Placements, Inc.
48. Expedite Movers Manpower Services
49. Eyequest International Manpower Services Incorporated
50. Faasi International Corporation
51. Fil-Gulf Manpower & General Services, Inc.
52. FJ-Mhark Manpower International Agency Inc.
53. Gatchalian Promotion Talent’s Pool Inc.
54. Giant International Employment Agency Inc.
55. Globalmanpower Management & Development Corp.
56. Golden Gateway Int’l Manpower Services Inc.
57. Golden Legacy Jobmovers Corp.
58. Goldmarc International Career Corp.
59. Grand Placement & General Services Corp.
60. Great One International Placement Agency Inc.
61. GTI Recruitment Inc.
62. Gulf Asia International Corporation
63. H.M.O. International Human Resources
64. Hiro Global Manpower Inc.
65. Hopewell Overseas Manpower Network Incorporated
67. Icarius International Placement & Promotion Agency Corporation
68. ICS International Placement & Assistance Company, Inc.
69. Ideal Placement And Manpower Services Inc.
70. Ikon Solutions Asia Inc.
71. Imes Global Inc.
72. Infotech Professional Services Inc.
73. Infowell Manpower Services
74. Insana International Placement Agency Inc.
75. Interasia Outsource, Inc.
76. International Skill Development Inc.
77. I-Rekrut Manpower Inc.
78. JCJ Management Services And International Promotion
79. Jemstone Global Recruitment Agency Company Inc.
80. Jenerick International Manpower Inc.
81. Jing International Placement & Promotion Services Inc.
82. JM International Inc.
83. Jobsconnect Manpower Agency Inc.
84. Jobsmanila International Inc.
85. Jopman Corporation
86. Joseline International Manpower Corporation
87. JVR Placement Company Inc.
88. JZPT Global Manpower Services
89. Kaoji International General Services Co.
90. Kenmore Placement International Agency Inc.
91. Key’s Placement, Inc.
92. Kingdom International Manpower Services Inc.
93. Krona International Service Systems Inc.
94. Landbase Human Resources Company
95. LBS Recruitment Solutions Corp.
96. Ledmir Human Resources Exchange Corp.
97. Link Asia Manpower Solutions Corp.
98. Louis International Manpower Services (Phils) Inc.
99. Luzern International Manpower Services Corporation
100. M and M Placement International Inc.
101. Maanyag International Manpower Corporation
102. Mabuhay Personnel & Management Services Inc.
103. Magsaysay Global Services, Inc.
104. Malorata International Manpower Agency
105. Manila International Recruitment Services Inc.
106. Mardel International Management & Services, Inc.
107. MBC Human Resources Development Corporation.
108. MEC International Manpower Resources Inc.
109. Mega Manpower Corporation
110. Meiden Way Management Specialist
111. Mission Way Manpower Services Inc.
112. Mitch International Recruitment Agency Inc.
113. Mori International Agency Corporation
114. Mother’s Way Overseas Manpower Specialist Corp.
115. Multi Star International Inc.
116. Multi-Orient Manpower & Management Services Inc.
117. Multi-Resources Development Corporation
118. Namiko International Agency Inc.
119. Nevika Human Resource Internationale, Inc.
120. NHRFI Human Resources International Inc.
121. Nihon Kokusai Recruitment Agency Co.
122. NIR Placement Center Inc.
123. Non-Stop Overseas Employment Corp.
124. Oasia Global Resources Inc.
125. OLM International Job Placement Corp.
126. Orange International Recruitment Services Inc.
127. Orobless International Recruitment Agency Services Inc.
128. Overseas Professional Achievers Intl (OPAS) Inc.
129. Pacific Business Ventures Inc.
130. Peridot International Resources Inc.
131. Perpetual Help Placement Services International Inc.
132. Phates Management Resources Inc.
133. Phil Assist Life Manpower Corporation
134. Phil-Apex Placement Agency Inc.
135. Philasia Human Resources Inc.
136. Philnos Corporation
137. Philquest International Management And Service Contractor
138. Philworld Recruitment Agency, Inc.
139. Pisces International Placement Corporation
140. Placewell International Services Corporation
141. Power Horizon International Resources Inc.
142. Profile Overseas Manpower Services Inc.
143. Provident Overseas Placement Agency
144. Prudential Employment Agency, Inc.
145. RHV Placement Agency Int’l Inc.
146. Richelle Manpower Agency Co.
147. RJC Global Manpower Provider Inc.
148. Rock Solid Manpower Network & Consultancy, Inc.
149. Royal Gem Resources & Manpower Development Corp.
150. RRJM International Manpower Services, Inc.
151. Ruru Global Recruitment Services Inc.
152. Sanko Employment Solutions Incorporated
153. September Star Incorporated
154. Serviecon International Corp.
155. Silver Skilled Recruitment Inc.
156. SK Manpower Consultant
157. Sky Bourne International, Inc.
158. Skyhigh Manpower Recruitment Intl Inc.
159. SMC Manpower Agency Philippines Company
160. Spear International Manpower And Trading
161. Staff Seekers Int’l Manpower Corporation
162. Staffhouse International Resources Corporation
163. Star Express Placement Inc.
164. Star World International Manpower & Placement Agency, Inc.
165. Strategic International Manpower Services Inc.
166. Studio 85 Promotions Inc.
167. Success Road International Manpower Co.
168. Sunrise International Talent Center, Inc.
169. Sunrise Search & Support Inc.
170. Tai-Fil Manpower Services Corp.
171. Tcnivero International Manpower Corp.
172. TDG Human Resource Management Inc.
173. TG International Artist And Manpower Exponent, Inc.
174. Treasure Of Hope International Inc.
175. Tricastle International Inc.
176. TW (Phil.) International Manpower Inc.
177. Uniplan Overseas Employment Inc.
178. United Placeman Philippines Inc.
179. Uno Overseas Placement Inc.
180. Venture Management System Int’l Corp.
181. Verdant Manpower Mobilization Center Inc.
182. West Cebu People Solutions Inc.
183. White Dove Recruitment Corporation
184. Wonderful International Services, Inc.
185. World Wiser International Inc.
186. Worldquest International Manpower Services, Inc.
187. Ywa Human Resource Corporation
188. Zontar Manpower Services Inc.
Out of these 188 agencies, so far only the following agencies below has the POEA job orders bound for Japan
Out of these 188 agencies, so far only the following agencies below has the POEA job orders bound for Japan
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This article is filed under: Job Posting Sites, Find Employees, Employee Search, Looking For Employees, Local Job Postings, Job Postings, Local Jobs, Local Hire, Employment Search Engines, Job Postings Near Me, Job Boards