This article is filed under: Small Cottage Designs, Small Home Design, Small House Design Plans, Small House Design Inside, Small House Architecture
A close family tie is one thing Filipinos are known for. We are known to have big and happy families that often times live all together. Extended families are very common in the Philippines regardless how small or big our house is. There are families that enjoying living together from the sons or daughters to parents, up to grandparents and other relatives.
This is happy setting but sometimes the privacy and comfort are being sacrificed especially if there is not enough space to house your other family member you love to live with. However, this is not a problem if you have a house that is big enough for all of you. In this post, we gather 15 most beautiful houses from homeplan2u in Thailand where you can find a house design that suits your family's needs. From a small beautiful house design to a little bit bigger one. The floor plan is included but you can always design your own floor plan if you want too.
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This article is filed under: Small Cottage Designs, Small Home Design, Small House Design Plans, Small House Design Inside, Small House Architecture
Design Your Own Floor Plan Using One of These 13 Small and Lovely House Style! Plans Included!
13 Beautiful Houses With Stunning Attic (Floor Plans Included)
5 Bungalow House Designs Perfect For Small Lot Areas (With Interiors)
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Read: 7 Beautiful Small House Design You Can Build Under 100 SQM
6 Affordable House Design You Can Build from P800,000 to P1.3M
New Zealand-inspired 2 Bedroom House Design You Can Re-Create in the Philippines!
50 Small and Lovely House Design With Stunning Exterior Paint Colors
Design Your Own Floor Plan Using One of These 13 Small and Lovely House Style! Plans Included!
13 Beautiful Houses With Stunning Attic (Floor Plans Included)
5 Bungalow House Designs Perfect For Small Lot Areas (With Interiors)
Read: 5 New Best Design For Three-Bedroom House
Read: 7 Beautiful Small House Design You Can Build Under 100 SQM
6 Affordable House Design You Can Build from P800,000 to P1.3M
New Zealand-inspired 2 Bedroom House Design You Can Re-Create in the Philippines!
50 Small and Lovely House Design With Stunning Exterior Paint Colors