Due to misusing or abusing of some Filipinos of their visit visa program, getting one to United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be tightened soon.
According to Ambassador Constancio R. Vingno Jr., the UAE and the Philippines are having some dialogues to forge an agreement to address the problem.
This is the alleged syndicate in the Philippines trafficking Filipino job seeker to UAE using visit visa to their entry.
The ambassador was referring to reports about a syndicate in the Philippines trafficking Filipino job seekers to the UAE by facilitating their entry using visit visas.
Vingno added, this victim ended up as household service workers and run away from their employer because they are not prepared for work.
He said some of this is teachers whose plans were to be tutors, sales ladies or clerks in the office but ended up working as maids.
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In the agreement between the Philippine and UAE government, these cases will be eliminated soon and all recruitment will now fall under the UAE Ministry of Labor for OFWs to have protection.
“If something happens to the OFWs, there is a counterpart agency in the Philippines that we can run after,”
Vingno explained that Filipinos with visit visa comes to UAE in three classification
He added that there are Filipinos coming to UAE trusting their contact even only in Facebook.
“If something happens to the OFWs, there is a counterpart agency in the Philippines that we can run after,”
Vingno explained that Filipinos with visit visa comes to UAE in three classification
1. those who entered with a “contact.”
2. those referred to a “contact.”
3. those who were just trying their luck
He added that there are Filipinos coming to UAE trusting their contact even only in Facebook.
This problem comes into light as cases of human trafficking activities and a number of runaways in the UAE is getting higher.