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Monday, July 18, 2016

How to Apply for a Japan Tourist/Visit Friends or Distant Relatives Visa

How to Apply for a Japan Tourist/Visit Friends or Distant Relatives Visa
If you are going to Japan on a package tour, exhibition, to visit friends and distant relatives (this means cousins starting with 4th degree or further relatives) then these are the requirements. Take note that all documents for submission should be original copies, unless otherwise stated:

1. Philippine Passport

a)       If there is broken lamination in the photo, it will not be accepted. There should be a sigunature and have at least two (2) blank pages.

 a)       This is available at the entrance of the Embassy or through any accredited agency.

3. Photo
a) 4.5 cm x 4.5 cm with white background
B) The photo must be pasted on the application form

Here are a few more guidelines:

Not Acceptable
1. The applicant must be alone, facing forward.
1. No wearing of headbands, caps, etc.
2. The photo must be taken at least 6 months prior to submission of requirements.
2. Photos with backgrounds that are not plain and white (i.e., designs, objects and shading)
3. The photo must conform to the size specifications
3. Photo is too small.

4. Photo is too large.

5. Photo is not centered.

6. Wearing of sunglasses is not allowed.

7. Photos with shadows and shading.

8. Eyeglasses must not reflect light nor will it obscure facial features.

9. Facial expressions must not be exaggerated.

10. Hair should not hide the face.

4. Birth Certificate

5. Marriage Contract (if the applicant is married) 

The birth certificate and marriage contract must come from NSO Main Office or Serbilis Outlet Center. They should be issued within one (1) year. In case there is a non-record, certificate of non-record together with the copies from the Local Civil Registrar need to be submitted.

You may be exempted from submitting the birth and marriage certificates if your old or valid passport has a used Japanese visa.

4. Daily schedule in Japan (TAIZAI NITTEIHYO)

5. If you are visiting a friend, documents and/or photos that will prove your relationship.

6. Invitation letter from guarantor in Japan.
a)       The signature must be handwritten.
b)       This is not applicable, if availing a package tour.

9. Bank Certificate
10. Original and photocopy of Income Tax Return (Form 2316).
a) Numbers 9 and 10 are only applicable if the supporter has a deposit in bank or             income tax return
b) You can be exempted from numbers 9 and 10 if you are eligible for a multiple             entry visa.
11. If Guarantor is Japanese, his/her residence certificate (JUMINHYO).

12. If Guarantor is not Japanese and will be shouldering any part of travel or living expenses of the applicant, Foreign Registration Certificate from City Hall will be needed.

13. Guarantee Letter (MIMOTO HOSHOSHO)
a)       The format is also available at the Embassy website, entrance of the Embassy or through any of the accredited agencies.

14. Income Certificate (from City Hall) (SHOTOKU SHOMEISHO) from City Hall, Tax Return Certificate (NOUZEISHOMEISHO: form 2) from Tax Office, KAKUTEISHINKOKUSHO HIKAE or Bank Certificate (YOKIN ZANDAKA SHOMEISHO)

In order for the visa to be granted, it is your responsibility to make sure that you meet all of the requirements. Submission of other requirements not mentioned above is encouraged. 

Here are a few examples:

1. Your economic and/or social ties here in the Philippines

2. Proof of urgent reasons for visit (i.e., medical certificate, wedding invitation). 

How and Where to File Your Application


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