In the real world, availing loans is sometimes inevitable. Financial problems often come unannounced and if you do not have enough savings, you most probably end up getting a loan from a friend, a loan company or a bank. Many overseas Filipino workers (OFW), for example, avail loans specifically designed for people working abroad and seafarers.
In the society we live in, applying for a loan correlates to debt. In reality, loans actually help people build and establish a credit history to which banking and finance companies refer.
In applying for a loan, whether from a loan company or from a bank, having a good credit history helps you to be approved quickly.
However, there are many types of loans designed for specific needs. Terms and conditions in each type are also different.
In this article, we will break down for you the types of loans and help you decide which ones do you need.
OFW loan – OFW loans work similarly as personal loans but are specifically offered to overseas Filipino workers with valid contracts. A co-borrower or immediate relative based in the Philippines is required. It usually has flexible payment terms to accommodate the specific needs of OFWs and their families.
OFW loan – OFW loans work similarly as personal loans but are specifically offered to overseas Filipino workers with valid contracts. A co-borrower or immediate relative based in the Philippines is required. It usually has flexible payment terms to accommodate the specific needs of OFWs and their families.
Personal loan – Personal loans are usually unsecured loans, which means it’s based purely on an individual’s credit score and does not require any collateral, unlike secured loans. The interest rates may range from 1.2 percent to 8 percent, depending on the financial institution. Payment terms are typically shorter, from six to 60 months.