Having a place or home lot where you can build your detached house is quite expensive nowadays. Prices of home lots are also increasing in time with prices of construction materials and labor cost in building a home. But if you want privacy and space, a detached house is ideal for you where you can have enough distance between you and your neighbors. Your space can be a good spot for a garden where you can cultivate vegetable or flowers.
Today, we are going to show you the perfect detached house that would surely impress you. Let's check it out! You can build these houses with a reasonable budget that will serve as a perfect example of a home that connects simplicity in design and budget to beauty.
House Design No. 1
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House Design No. 2
House Design No. 3
House Design No. 4
House Design No. 5
This article is filed under small house design, house with floor plan, affordable living homes, new build floor plan, detached house, single-story house ideas.