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Tuesday, October 11, 2016


The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has allocated a total of P8, 255,820,000 for the social pension fund of senior citizens.  The target beneficiaries of the agency have to reach up to 1,375,970 senior citizens in the whole country.  The allocation is for Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens (SocPen) that will cover the elderly who are frail, sickly, do not receive any pension and have no other source of income and support coming from their families.According to DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo, P4,243,330,500 of the allotment have been utilized for this year.  Under the SocPen, the senior citizen beneficiaries will receive quarterly stipend worth P500 each month, as government assistance for their daily living and medical needs.

      The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has allocated a total of P8, 255,820,000 for the social pension fund of senior citizens.  The target beneficiaries of the agency have to reach up to 1,375,970 senior citizens in the whole country.  The allocation is for Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens (SocPen) that will cover the elderly who are frail, sickly, do not receive any pension and have no other source of income and support coming from their families.  (VIDEO:Pensyon at benepisyo ng mga senior citizen, ipinapanawang dagdagan)    According to DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo, P4,243,330,500 of the allotment have been utilized for this year.  Under the SocPen, the senior citizen beneficiaries will receive quarterly stipend worth P500 each month, as government assistance for their daily living and medical needs.     Other than this, here are more benefits of being Senior Citizen  DISCOUNTS  20% discount on:  -Medical-related privileges  -Medicine and drug purchases  -Medical supplies, accessories, and equipment  -Medical and dental services  -Professional fees of attending physician  -Professional fees of licensed health workers providing home health care services  Transportation  Air and Sea  Land: LRT, MRT, PNR, buses, jeepneys, taxi and shuttle services  Hotels, restaurants, recreational facilities, places of leisure  Hotels, restaurants, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses, leisure and amusement  Recreation centers  Fees, charges, and rental for sports facilities and equipment  Funeral services  Funeral and burial expenses include casket or urn, embalming, cremation cost, and other services.  Utility discount  Grant of a minimum of 5% discount relative to the monthly use of water and electricity, provided that the meter is registered under the name of the senior citizen residing therein and does not exceed 100 kWh and 30 m³.  (VIDEO:DSWD clarifies details of senior citizens' discounts)    EXEMPTIONS  Tax exemption Exemption from payment of individual income tax of those who are considered to be minimum wage earners  Training fee exemption Training fees for socio-economic programs conducted by private and government agencies subject to the guidelines issued by DTI, DOLE, DA, TESDA and DOST-TRC.  GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE Social Pension  Indigent senior citizens shall be entitled to a monthly stipend amounting to P500 to augment daily subsistence and other medical needs.  Mandatory PhilHealth coverage  All senior citizens are covered by the national health insurance program of PhilHealth.  Social safety nets The social safety assistance shall include, but not be limited to, food, medicines, and financial assistance for house repair to cushion effects of economic, disaster and calamity shocks.  Death benefit assistance  The assistance of a minimum of P2,000 shall be given to the nearest surviving relative who took care of the deceased senior citizen.  OTHERS  Express lanes  Express lanes shall be provided in all private, banking, commercial and government establishments; priority shall be given in their absence.  Educational privileges  Assistance shall be granted to senior citizens to pursue education through the provision of scholarships, grants, financial aids, subsidies and other incentives.  Benefits and privileges for retirees  -Continuance of the same benefits and privileges by GSIS, SSS, and PAG-IBIG as enjoyed by those in active service.  -Privileges on special discounts in special programs  (VIDEO:Rights and Privileges of Senior Citizens)     They are provided with benefits and privileges through the following legislation:  Republic Act No. 7432, or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003  RA 9994, an amendment to RA 7432 to include additional services  RA 10645, an amendment to RA 9994 to provide mandatory PhilHealth coverage for all senior citizens.    HOW TO GET SENIOR CITIZENS ID?  In order to get and enjoy the above mentioned benefits and privileges of a senior citizen, first you must secure a Senior Citizen's ID.  Requirements:  Birth Certificate  1X1 colored photo (latest)  Valid ID     If you completed the said requirements, just go to the Office of the Senior Citizens Affair (OSCA) in your city or municipality and apply for an ID. Much better if you are being accompanied with one of your daughter or grandchildren.  The staff will just fill the card with your personal info like complete name, birth date, and address.   If your ID is finished, you have to sign it, but first, you must double check if all the details are correct.      Indigent senior citizens or their authorized representative must present their Office of Senior Citizen Affairs ID and birth certificate or any other document proving their date of birth to the nearest OSCA, City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office or DSWD Regional Office.  The authorized representative must also present his/her identification card and an authorization letter.  All potential beneficiaries will be assessed to ensure that they qualify for the program. ©2016 THOUGHTSKOTO

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has allocated a total of P8, 255,820,000 for the social pension fund of senior citizens.

The target beneficiaries of the agency have to reach up to 1,375,970 senior citizens in the whole country.

The allocation is for Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens (SocPen) that will cover the elderly who are frail, sickly, do not receive any pension and have no other source of income and support coming from their families.

(VIDEO:Pensyon at benepisyo ng mga senior citizen, ipinapanawang dagdagan)

According to DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo, P4,243,330,500 of the allotment have been utilized for this year.

Under the SocPen, the senior citizen beneficiaries will receive quarterly stipend worth P500 each month, as government assistance for their daily living and medical needs.

Other than this, here are more benefits of being Senior Citizen


20% discount on:

-Medical-related privileges

-Medicine and drug purchases

-Medical supplies, accessories, and equipment

-Medical and dental services

-Professional fees of attending physician

-Professional fees of licensed health workers providing home health care services


Air and Sea

Land: LRT, MRT, PNR, buses, jeepneys, taxi and shuttle services

Hotels, restaurants, recreational facilities, places of leisure

Hotels, restaurants, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses, leisure and amusement

Recreation centers

Fees, charges, and rental for sports facilities and equipment

Funeral services

Funeral and burial expenses include casket or urn, embalming, cremation cost, and other services.

Utility discount

Grant of a minimum of 5% discount relative to the monthly use of water and electricity, provided that the meter is registered under the name of the senior citizen residing therein and does not exceed 100 kWh and 30 m³.

(VIDEO:DSWD clarifies details of senior citizens' discounts)


Tax exemption
Exemption from payment of individual income tax of those who are considered to be minimum wage earners

Training fee exemption
Training fees for socio-economic programs conducted by private and government agencies subject to the guidelines issued by DTI, DOLE, DA, TESDA and DOST-TRC.

Social Pension

Indigent senior citizens shall be entitled to a monthly stipend amounting to P500 to augment daily subsistence and other medical needs.

Mandatory PhilHealth coverage

All senior citizens are covered by the national health insurance program of PhilHealth.

Social safety nets
The social safety assistance shall include, but not be limited to, food, medicines, and financial assistance for house repair to cushion effects of economic, disaster and calamity shocks.

Death benefit assistance

The assistance of a minimum of P2,000 shall be given to the nearest surviving relative who took care of the deceased senior citizen.


Express lanes

Express lanes shall be provided in all private, banking, commercial and government establishments; priority shall be given in their absence.

Educational privileges

Assistance shall be granted to senior citizens to pursue education through the provision of scholarships, grants, financial aids, subsidies and other incentives.

Benefits and privileges for retirees

-Continuance of the same benefits and privileges by GSIS, SSS, and PAG-IBIG as enjoyed by those in active service.

-Privileges on special discounts in special programs

(VIDEO:Rights and Privileges of Senior Citizens)

They are provided with benefits and privileges through the following legislation:

Republic Act No. 7432, or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003

RA 9994, an amendment to RA 7432 to include additional services

RA 10645, an amendment to RA 9994 to provide mandatory PhilHealth coverage for all senior citizens.


In order to get and enjoy the above mentioned benefits and privileges of a senior citizen, first you must secure a Senior Citizen's ID.


Birth Certificate

1X1 colored photo (latest)

Valid ID

If you completed the said requirements, just go to the Office of the Senior Citizens Affair (OSCA) in your city or municipality and apply for an ID. Much better if you are being accompanied with one of your daughter or grandchildren.

The staff will just fill the card with your personal info like complete name, birth date, and address. 

If your ID is finished, you have to sign it, but first, you must double check if all the details are correct.

Indigent senior citizens or their authorized representative must present their Office of Senior Citizen Affairs ID and birth certificate or any other document proving their date of birth to the nearest OSCA, City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office or DSWD Regional Office.

The authorized representative must also present his/her identification card and an authorization letter.

All potential beneficiaries will be assessed to ensure that they qualify for the program.
This article is filed under: Senior Citizen, Senior Citizen Rights, Senior Citizen Benefits, Senior Citizen Privileges, How to Register as Senior Citizen