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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Live Each Day Without Regret

I must admit, since the Hajj holiday, until New Year, I was terribly busy. I hope I won't be required to write a litany of things that I been doing, but being a father of an 8 months old vibrant, and hyperactive baby is quite a task. After I got some fever and flu for almost a week, Mrs. Thoughtskoto's immune system finally gave in, and got sick also. Right now she is having cough, and Babytots had just recovered from cold. 

The year end is very demanding with inventories, annual reports, summaries and histories in my work. Plus, being an activity committee chairman of a group here in Saudi Arabia, the Christmas and New Year celebration nag-iinit po ang celpon ko, tawag dito, tawag doon. (My cellphone is hot, for frequent call here and call there)
Not to mention the gastos dito, gastos doon (expenses here and there) hehe

Thank you to all those people who helped me in Organizing the first Pinoy Expats Blog Awards. That too kept me busy in data finalizing the winners and crunching the data's from the judges. I want to make it transparent and honest. The contest over-all is very successful, with tremendous exposures in the blogosphere. Thank you to all the sponsors, the judges, the nominees who are winners for me.

Just one note this New Year of 2009. In my own vision, I think it will be better for us, for my family. I don't know why but I can feel it. I am an optimist. I am not the bearer of doom and gloom, although I recognize the turmoils and the crumbles the world is experiencing right now.

I have never lose faith in our capacity to rise up victorious from whatever trials and challenges we are up to, if we have faith in Him. If we believe in our self, and in our abilities and talents.

My New Year's goal is to live each day without regret. Not everyday will be delightful and joyful. But we have to live each day to the fullest, not minding those bitterness of the past or the blinding challenges of the future. We have to live each day with courage, with hope, with faith, and with love.

We have to live each day without regret knowing we have done our best in the battle of the day. When we do that, we will sleep with a smile in our face, and peace in our minds. Tomorrow will be another day.

Happy New Year to all and congratulations to all the winners of the Top 10 Pinoy Expats Blog Awards!



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Avril Hakkinen

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Anete Benedict

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Bella Hakkinen
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