A video circulating has many asking if the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a Muslim.
The video was taken in Jamea Masjid mosque in Surrey, British Columbia, in West Canada during Ramadan of 2013.
He greeted the people in the mosque with "Salam Malaikum" meaning 'peace be upon you'.
The following is the transcript of Trudeau’s speech at Jamea Masjid mosque on July 24, 2013:
“Assalamu Alaikum [peace be upon you] [the Muslim worshippers replied with waalaikumussalam, meaning peace be upon you].
“You give a wonderful honour for including me in your prayer tonight. It is an opportunity for me to share some immersions of this moment of reflection as we commit ourselves to life of compassion and charity and I want also to greet, to send greetings to the sisters upstairs to brother downstairs and to all who welcomed me at your holy place.
“For me, this moment of Ramadan is a time to reflect on the values of empathy, generosity and compassion, charity and also discipline. They are not just Muslim values but Canadian values.
And we are, all of us in this country incredibly incredibly lucky to be the one place around the world the managed to define itself as strong not in spite of our differences but well because of them.
“We come here much like the Muslim community. Canadians have origins in every corner of the world, and we are defined as a country by shared values, by shared hopes and dreams grounded in respect for each other openness and willingness, and willingness mostly to work together to build a better future for ourselves, yes, but mostly for our children and in this moment you allowed me to share with you tonight.
“I’m reminded once again of the strength and of the unity of the Muslim Canadian community as a young mom mentioned, we’re are facing a world of changes, of challenges, and when we look at the various citizens’ groups around the country, whether we look at Occupy or Idle No More in the Aboriginal communities, the Arab Spring and citizens’ uprising around the world, there is a call upon citizens and by citizens to stand up and demand more of our leaders, of our neighbours, and yes even of ourselves.
“And I know one thing that if we are successfully face down and overcome the very many challenges that the twenty first century holds for us, not just as British Columbians, not just as Canadians, not just as Muslims, but as human beings.
“If we are able to look beyond certain differences between us of different colour, of origin, of language or even of religion and understand that the hopes and dreams define us all together.
“And I’m humbled by your openness towards me, and I’m certainly hopeful that in the coming months and years we continue to earn that support and trust that you have demonstrated by including me andallowing me to pray along side with you tonight.
“Thank you very much for your welcome tonight and I wish you a blessed holy month of Ramadan.”“You give a wonderful honour for including me in your prayer tonight. It is an opportunity for me to share some immersions of this moment of reflection as we commit ourselves to life of compassion and charity and I want also to greet, to send greetings to the sisters upstairs to brother downstairs and to all who welcomed me at your holy place.
“For me, this moment of Ramadan is a time to reflect on the values of empathy, generosity and compassion, charity and also discipline. They are not just Muslim values but Canadian values.
And we are, all of us in this country incredibly incredibly lucky to be the one place around the world the managed to define itself as strong not in spite of our differences but well because of them.
“We come here much like the Muslim community. Canadians have origins in every corner of the world, and we are defined as a country by shared values, by shared hopes and dreams grounded in respect for each other openness and willingness, and willingness mostly to work together to build a better future for ourselves, yes, but mostly for our children and in this moment you allowed me to share with you tonight.
“I’m reminded once again of the strength and of the unity of the Muslim Canadian community as a young mom mentioned, we’re are facing a world of changes, of challenges, and when we look at the various citizens’ groups around the country, whether we look at Occupy or Idle No More in the Aboriginal communities, the Arab Spring and citizens’ uprising around the world, there is a call upon citizens and by citizens to stand up and demand more of our leaders, of our neighbors, and yes even of ourselves.
“And I know one thing that if we are successfully face down and overcome the very many challenges that the twenty first century holds for us, not just as British Columbians, not just as Canadians, not just as Muslims, but as human beings.
“If we are able to look beyond certain differences between us of different colour, of origin, of language or even of religion and understand that the hopes and dreams define us all together.
“And I’m humbled by your openness towards me, and I’m certainly hopeful that in the coming months and years we continue to earn that support and trust that you have demonstrated by including me andallowing me to pray along side with you tonight.
“Thank you very much for your welcome tonight and I wish you a blessed holy month of Ramadan.”“You give a wonderful honour for including me in your prayer tonight. It is an opportunity for me to share some immersions of this moment of reflection as we commit ourselves to life of compassion and charity and I want also to greet, to send greetings to the sisters upstairs to brother downstairs and to all who welcomed me at your holy place.
“For me, this moment of Ramadan is a time to reflect on the values of empathy, generosity and compassion, charity and also discipline. They are not just Muslim values but Canadian values.
And we are, all of us in this country incredibly incredibly lucky to be the one place around the world the managed to define itself as strong not in spite of our differences but well because of them.
“We come here much like the Muslim community. Canadians have origins in every corner of the world, and we are defined as a country by shared values, by shared hopes and dreams grounded in respect for each other openness and willingness, and willingness mostly to work together to build a better future for ourselves, yes, but mostly for our children and in this moment you allowed me to share with you tonight.
“I’m reminded once again of the strength and of the unity of the Muslim Canadian community as a young mom mentioned, we’re are facing a world of changes, of challenges, and when we look at the various citizens’ groups around the country, whether we look at Occupy or Idle No More in the Aboriginal communities, the Arab Spring and citizens’ uprising around the world, there is a call upon citizens and by citizens to stand up and demand more of our leaders, of our neighbours, and yes even of ourselves.
“And I know one thing that if we are successfully face down and overcome the very many challenges that the twenty first century holds for us, not just as British Columbians, not just as Canadians, not just as Muslims, but as human beings.
“If we are able to look beyond certain differences between us of different colour, of origin, of language or even of religion and understand that the hopes and dreams define us all together.
“And I’m humbled by your openness towards me, and I’m certainly hopeful that in the coming months and years we continue to earn that support and trust that you have demonstrated by including me andallowing me to pray along side with you tonight.
“Thank you very much for your welcome tonight and I wish you a blessed holy month of Ramadan.”