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Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2010 (Updated)

I have been a big fan of Miss Janette Toral. Well, in fact, she is one of my mentor in founding PEBA AWARDS. She is also one of our most avid supporter when it comes to supporting OFW causes. She volunteered as a judge for two consecutive years, without asking anything in return. She has such a good heart, that she brought with her last 27th of December 2009, at the Philam Life Theater a box of her famous Blogging from Home book as freebies for the event. Thank you po, Miss Janette.

This is Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2010 writing project 4th year. I remember the first year when I first voted Avel Manansala, Kevin Ray Chua, and Jehzeel Laurente's blogs?

My Top 10 Emerging Influential blogs for this 2010 are:

Topping my list is the blog of Vince Golangco, a good friend of PEBA who volunteered as one of the host from last year's award, and who made that famous video, Top 10 things to spot a Filipino abroad. The success of his site is so phenomenal that he has currently 5,400 plus fans in Facebook.

Are you surprised NoBenta? This blog owner is the same PEBA OFW Division Nominee No. 1 for this year's contest. Love your own, so I love OFW's. hehe. But seriously, his blog, about the nineties, is so cool, for me, because this (90's) years are my 'survival' years. It brings back the memories.

Blogwatch is one of my best source of article about politics in the country. It features entries from bloggers around the country and around the globe. Actually, Kablogs entry calling for a responsible vote and peaceful election was featured there too.

Was initially launched to cover the first 100 days before the 2010 election. After election, it tackles the first 100 days of the newly elected President Aquino. After the 100 days, may I suggest that the site will tackle about 100 things that the administration has done for OFW's. Let's see how fast they can reach 100.

The techie guy in me wanted to support the techie blog out there! Anything about about TVs, laptops, cellphones, cars, and other electronic items and software. Okay, anything that my money will be spent, if I have money. Hehe.

A big supporter of PEBA for me, and a good movie schedule and a bit of a review blog, I feel embarrassed for not including Jay's blog here in my list, but anyway, better late than never. I am fascinated by his post and take about every new movies. It's a great resource, really.

Upon learning about my fellow general (hailed from Gen Santos City), Orman's blog Ganda Ever So Much is more about humor, fun, events, food, "everything under the sun and moon". It is a blog that was started nearly a year ago but is making a lot of ground, and influence in the blogosphere. So being my kababayan, and a wonderful blog, he is worth joining my list of Top 10.

8.  ATBP! [Around The Buzz Primetime!]

I have added the last in my list a blog by a good blogger friend Fjordan about entertainment news and showbiz blog. Fjordan is also a supporter of KABLOGS and PEBA for these long years. I actually subscribed to his RSS so I will be notified about the latest in Philippine showbiz. I've been too much politics for so long. Makichika naman.

9. Get Prettified

Why I like this blog? Well, currently I am working as a Senior Chemist in a cosmetic laboratory. And my wife insist I should add this site here in my Top 10 list. It is a blog about beauty, and fashion. And the items posted and presented are so familiar to me. I can even donate some photos of lotions, skin creams, perfumes, and hair creams, etc. hehe


Completing my list to Top 10 is a blog from a 17 year old IT student. The Dome is simply all about what Paolo love. Interesting topics from art to music to television to the internet to events to craziness. It has no certain niche, it can't be categorized like anybody else would think. It is not just a blogsite, it is everything under one roof, no, make it one dome. I like his style, and his blog. Sometimes, wondering how a 17 year old can do that...well. Wonder.

I would like all supporters of PEBA and KABLOGS to vote for this list of blogs by posting your own  Top 10 Emerging and Influential blog of 2010. Please include the any of the blogs above, and complete your list from the nominees here


Now do you know guys that PEBA is also conducting a contest for bloggers from the Philippines? Read more here!



TV Series Craze said...


Hope you can include my site in your Top 10 list. Here's my link:

It's all about TV series! Hope you can visit it! Thanks! C",)

TV SEries Craze said...


Hope you can include my site in your Top 10 list. Here's my link:

It's all about TV series! Hope you can visit it! Thanks! C",)

Pao said...

Hi Sir Kenji,

Why don't you make your list a complete ten? Hehe. I’ll take this opportunity to plug my tiny blue-blog – . A blog of a 17 year old free spirited guy with a different perspective and point of views in life.

I hope you’ll consider it to be on your list. It would be my honor if my blog will be one of your nominees. Thanks and Godspeed!

JL Santiago Aquino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FinLust said...


I hope you include my music vlog,, in you list... You might like it.


Dear Hiraya said...

Hi! I hope you'll check my entertainment blog ATBP! at Hope you'll like it and include it on your list. Thanks friend! :)

Pao said...

Wow thanks for this. :-D

JL Santiago Aquino said...

wow! thanks a lot! :]