My wife posted this blog entry to her site over Pink Purple and Anything.
I like it so I am quoting it here.
'My dh is always amazed by how I can remember dreams that I have each night, sometimes I can tell him 3 different dreams I had at the same night. Anyway, for many months I keep on dreaming about calamities happening back in Philippines, sometimes earthquakes, hurricane, flood, etch. And in all of those dreams I'm always left behind carrying 72 hour kit or looking for it.'

"Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been counseled to have a food storage and be prepared for an emergency which includes having a 72 hour kit. This kit should be put together in a practical manner so that you can carry it with you if you ever need to evacuate your home. It is also important to prepare one for each member of your family who is able to carry one."
'You might be wond'ring that I have a 72 hour bag well prepared... sorry but you are wrong. These are the only things I have in the bag:
- all our important documents in two plastic folders wrapped in plastic bag
- some canned foods, (2 cans tuna, 2 cans sardines)
- 3 bars of chocolate and a pack of dried fruits
- flashlight
- first aid medicines (band aid, alcohol prep pads, paracetamol tablets, ibufropen)
Today I've decided I have to add other things I might as well need:
- 3 pcs baby blankets and some baby clothes, wet wipes and 9 pcs. diapers
- 2 big blankets for the family
- 500 grams corn flakes cereals
- 2 cans whole kernel corn
- lighter and candle
- jewelries and some money
- paper, pen, pocket knife and lots of plastic sheets
- disposable dish utensils for 3 days
And together with these I have a 2.5 galoon water we can easily pick at the kitchen.'
Do you anything in mind that she might have forgotten? Please read the rest of her entry here.
Thoughtskoto - weblogs about reality and opinions.
Rants and observations and musings about faith, hope as well as life and love.
sabi nga nila,laging handa!
If you were to ask me to prepare a 72-hour kit for myself, siguro the contents will be two of my favorite books, a box of Panadol, small Vicks, a pack of dried fruits, a fresh shirt, a fresh pants, worn-out pair of rubber shoes. Un.
Teka, para saan ung kit? Do you know something that I don't? Hala...
Kidding aside, I think it is always nice to be prepared.
thanks for your comments Nebz and Ever.
72 hour kit is a preparedness plan encouraged by the leaders of our faith. It is meant to sustain a person's needs in case of contingency/ disaster until they get help which usually comes within 3 days or 72 hours.
Something bloggers can do.
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