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Monday, June 03, 2019

DOLE Offers Livelihood Funds For Those Who Want To Start A Business

Are you planning to start a livelihood or business but you don't know where you can get your funds? The Department Of Labor and Employment is providing financial assistance to qualified beneficiaries

Are you planning to start a livelihood or business but you don't know where you can get your funds? The Department Of Labor and Employment is providing financial assistance to qualified beneficiaries        Ads       Lito Malaggay from Baguio City is making a living by making different sculptures. using his own imagination, he can make masterpieces he called "wire art".  He made this hobby profitable through the assistance from DOLE. Armed with determination and hope, he went to take chances to avail the "Kabuhayan Awards" and as a blessing, he was chosen to be one of the beneficiaries of the said program.  In this program, DOLE gives financial help to qualified beneficiaries. For individual recipients who want to put up a small business, they can receive up to P20,000.  For organized group consisting of 15-25 members working together for a livelihood initiative or a cooperative, they can get up to P250,000.   P500,000 is offered to organized groups with 26 to 50 members and up to P1million for groups with more than 50 members.     Ads          Sponsored Links          Last 2018, there were more than 80,000 people who were awarded assistance. Applications are evaluated and approved through the first-come-first-serve basis.     Ma. Karina Perida Trayvilla, director of Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns said that the program is proposal tendering and are heighten the public awareness and urge the public to avail such livelihood programs.    DOLE has also launched a program to help the beneficiaries sell their products online. The site is already in the process of loading the products which will be readily available very soon.    For interested applicants, you may contact any DOLE Regional offices or you may visit the nearest Public Employment Service Office in your locality.


 Lito Malaggay from Baguio City is making a living by making different sculptures. using his own imagination, he can make masterpieces he called "wire art".

He made this hobby profitable through the assistance from DOLE. Armed with determination and hope, he went to take chances to avail the "Kabuhayan Program" and as a blessing, he was chosen to be one of the beneficiaries of the said program.

In this program, DOLE gives financial help to qualified beneficiaries.
For individual recipients who want to put up a small business, they can receive up to P20,000.

For organized group consisting of 15-25 members working together for a livelihood initiative or a cooperative, they can get up to P250,000.

 P500,000 is offered to organized groups with 26 to 50 members and up to P1million for groups with more than 50 members. 


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Last 2018, there were more than 80,000 people who were awarded assistance. Applications are evaluated and approved through the first-come-first-serve basis.

 Ma. Karina Perida Trayvilla, director of Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns said that the program is proposal tendering and are heighten the public awareness and urge the public to avail such livelihood programs.

DOLE has also launched a program to help the beneficiaries sell their products online. The site is already in the process of loading the products which will be readily available very soon.

For interested applicants, you may contact any DOLE Regional offices or you may visit the nearest Public Employment Service Office in your locality.