Since earning money is not easy nowadays, we want to get the most for what we spend, even in building or buying a house. Many people these present days considered themselves as cost-conscious buyers and practical thinkers. We settle for the things that we need and not what we want!
If you have a modest house-building budget but you want to get the most for your money, there are some wonderfully inspiring home plans to consider. Always remember that just because you don't have the capacity to build a mansion, that doesn't have to mean that the home you build needs to be plain or boring. It is because comfort, security, and style can come in a small sized house. So it goes for 23 home plans in this compilation from Takuapa123 design.
All house plans are small, modern, but of course, beautifully designed to be a home of any families who are searching for dream house out there.
House Design No. 1
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House Design No. 5
House Design No. 6
House Design No. 7
House Design No. 8
House Design No. 9
House Design No. 10
House Design No. 11
House Design No. 12
House Design No. 13
House Design No. 14
House Design No. 15
House Design No. 16
House Design No. 17
House Design No. 18
House Design No. 19
House Design No. 20
House Design No. 21
House Design No. 22
House Design No. 23
This article is filed under small house design, small affordable living homes, house with floor plan, house design and ideas, new build floor plan, modern homes.